chapter 13

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The next morning, when I woke up, my head was hurting. I had no idea why. I decided a cool bath would be good. I washed in that cold icy water. I love the cold! As I was done, I changed into a warm black off the shoulder sweater, black denim jeans and my best pair of sneakers the high tops black Chuck and Taylor Converse. I decided to wear a hat as well. It was black as well. Wearing black is cool, but I didn't wear black before. I usually wore bright colors but now I feel comfortable in dark colors. This is an advantage of being a vampire of course.

I grabbed my back pack and opened the door to my room and was going to run downstairs, but I saw Peter in the hallway. What was he doing? Was he waiting for me? "Hey, Peter." I said. "Oh, hello Violet. We need to talk. It's about your mother." he said. I followed him to his office. What could have my mom done this time? Changed herself into a vampire? I walked inside and closed the door. Peter sat down on his computer chair. "Two days ago, there was a horrible car accident. A car drove into a flower shop. No one was hurt except for the driver of the vehicle. Your mom was driving the car, and was hurt very badly. She was drunk."

I couldn't say anything. I was too shocked. "The doctors tried all they could, but they lost her. I was informed just yesterday, that is when she died." he said. My life is over. I said that before didn't I? But now it's true. My mom is the reason my life is ruined. I cannot believe her. I'm the only one left now. Peter got up. "I'm so very sorry, Violet. But now it's time you continue living your life. I'm trying to find a cure. That is good, isn't it?" he said. "I just wish I could see her for the last time." I said. "It's ok, don't cry." he said. I hadn't even noticed I was crying. I looked him in the eyes and smiled. "I better go downstairs and get prepared for school." I said "But thanks anyways for the help." "It's ok. Randy and I will always be there for you." he said and put his hand on my shoulder. My eyes immediately went red and my fangs came out. "Oh, I forgot." he said and took his hand a way. "Don't worry, I won't bite." I said and turned around to leave. I opened the door and left. Peter was a nice guy. I ran downstairs.

As I ran, I saw the whole world spinning around me. My mom, dead. Both of my parents were dead. I couldn't take it in. I stopped running and fainted.

Next thing I knew, I was in bed. I tried to get up but my head hurt. I laid back down in bed. My mom is dead. My dad is dead. And now it's my turn. I'll be dead soon, Veronica, Eric and Jason will get me soon. I just can't take in the fact that my mom was so stupid enough to kill herself. My mom was my last hope, now she's gone forever. I had to get up.

I forced myself out of bed and ran downstairs with my vampire speed. I opened the door quietly and sneaked outside. I ran with all my might. I let my vampire speed take over. I looked at the clock on my wrist. It was 12 o'clock. I kept running.

I ran all over town. I didn't know where I was going, I just kept running.

When I found my destination, I stopped. It was the cemetery. I walked inside and found my dad's tomb. Next to it was my mom's. I cried and cried and cried. Why did this have to happen? Why to me? Life is so hard. I just wish that I could go back and redo everything that happened and make sure my parents never did die. I wanted to go back to the good old days when everything was right.

Now I'm a blood sucking freak with no parents, no life and no future. I just wish I could die........

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