chapter 7

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I woke up. It is hard to get used to waking up in this bed in this house with these people. I got out of bed and had an early bath. I changed into a off the shoulder purple shirt and black jeans. I brushed my teeth even my fangs, had headed downstairs holding my new back pack in one hand and my jacket in the other.

"Hello Violet." Randy said as I walked into the kitchen. Everyone was in the kitchen, even Peter. "How was your sleep?" Peter asked while sipping a cup of coffee while reading the newspaper. "Good." I said. I just stood there. I had no idea what to do with all of them staring at me. I think this day cannot get any worse.

"Give me your stuff, I'll leave them on the counter for now while I make you breakfast." Randy said and took my stuff. I sat down next to Madison and eat breakfast.

I waited there for Randy to make me breakfast. She made me toast with a scrambled egg. It was the greatest breakfast I had had in months. After, everyone went outside to go to school. I was really excited but I didn't show it. Ashley and Ian went in one car and we went in another. I noticed that Ashley and Ian didn't really hang with the others. Good.

Edward was going to drive. Stefan sat in the front while Madison sat next me in the back. The drive there wasn't far. In a few moments we were there. Edward parked the car in the parking lot. I opened the door and stepped outside. I saw hundreds of students all around me. I saw a huge white building, which was probably the school. All eyes went on me. I was scared for a moment. "Don't worry," Madison said as she stood next to me "Come with us."

I followed the others inside. The bell rang. Everyone started to run to their classes or their lockers. "Hey guys," Madison said "I'm going to show Violet around to her homeroom. You guys can go to class." "Ok." Edward said. "See you soon." Stefan said and planted a kiss on Madison's lips. She smiled and they walked away. "So let me show you to the principal's office where you'll get your locker, schedule and homeroom class." Madison said. I nodded and followed Madison. Where ever I went, everyone looked at me. What was I? A laughing stock?

We went to the principal's ofice. "Hello, you must be Violet." A woman said. I noticed quickly she was the principal. "I am your Principal Merryton," she said and held out her hand. I knew if I touched her hand my secret would be exposed. I just looked at her. She looked at me and understood I didn't want to.

"Anyways" she said "Of course you know the policies we have here, they are normal policies. Now this is your locker number and code. And this is your schedule with all the teachers. Madison please show her around until she gets used to it here." She said as she handed me a piece of paper. I took the paper. "Yes, ma'am." She said. We turned around to leave. As Madison opened the door to leave, I looked at the principal and smiled. She smiled back. I felt much better that day.

I went to home room. I was with Madison, Stefan and Edward. Lucky. Our home teacher was Mrs. Hawk. She must have been the most ugliest teacher in the school. She had a huge wart on her nose and her front tooth was bent a little. Not only that, she was really strict. "We have a new student," she said "Violet Harrington. Please come out here Violet." OMG. I got up and walked next to her. She looked at me and looked away. What was her problem? "Please be very kind to Violet as she is new to our school." she said "Please sit down." I went to my seat. I almost ran. Mrs. Hawk started doing the attendance. Finally the bell rang. Mrs. Hawk put her stuff away and left without saying anything. She's weird.

My first lesson was Physics. I was with Madison. Our teacher's name is Mr. Hapinglon. I know, weird last name. I think this school is even weirder than the color of my eyes. I walked inside the Physics lab. It had a lot of posters on it with information. I found a seat next to Madison. Mr. Hapinglon walked in. He was wearing sandals, pants and a big Alaskan jacket. He must be serious. "Well, hello." he said. He started taking out his stuff from his duffel bag. When he was done, he started scanning the room.

"It seems like we have a new student! Violet. Just like the color, Violet. Tell us Violet why are your eyes violet?" he said as he walked towards our desk. He put his hand on his hip like a woman. I looked at him scared. "Tell us." he said. I looked at Madison who gave me a meaningful look.

Everyone was looking at me. "My eyes are violet, because when I was born, I was blind but they found a cure and my eyes came violet." I said. "Hmm, only the immortal have eyes like yours, but your no vampire so, what an idea!" he said "Your not a vampire right?"

I am freaking out. "No." I said slowly. "Good," he said and walked to the front of the classroom. "Open your textbooks to page 94 and let's get started." I opened my Physics book and looked at Madison. "Is he seriously our teacher?" I asked. "Of course. He is the best!" She said and smiled.

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