chapter 1

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My name is Violet Harrington. Wait a second. No. That is not my name. My name is Arnimus Reid. I'm not normal. I'm not exactly human. Ok. Let's get to the point. I'm a vampire. Let me tell you the story from the beginning. I had it all. I had the life. I was as happy as joy. But the day my dad died, my life changed. My mom started to drink alcohol. She would always be drunk. She'd never be home. I'd have to cook and clean. I was fed up with all this. I decided to run away. I packed my bags with every single thing that was mine. I took some of my mom's money. I knew she'd only use it to buy alcohol, so I'd use it for good.

I ran and ran. I never wanted to see my mom again. I ran with all my might. I ran to a near by wood. I knew the woods well, so I lived there. I hid. I didn't want anyone to see me. It was cold outside because it was winter. I decided to go buy a tent. I didn't go to school. I found my way and headed to the near by town. As I was walking, I heard something. I stopped in my tracks. What could it have been? I kept walking. Maybe it was the wind.

I heard it again. I now knew it was not the wind. I felt pain in my left arm. I checked what was wrong with my arm. I had a huge bite mark on my wrist. The pain was spreading quickly within my body. Then they came. Eric, Jason and Veronica. They said I was changing into one of them. They said I was new a vampire. I didn't want to believe them. Vampires aren't real! The pain spread more, growing stronger and stronger. it hurt so much. After a few minutes, I felt stronger, more energy inside me. That moment my eyes changed purple. I was now a vampire. Jason told me that they were the Head of The Vampire Community. They wanted me to join them or else. If I joined them I would hunt down humans.

I said no. I was not going to join them not even for all the money in the world. They said ok.

They started running after me. Eric said if I won't join them, they would hunt me down. It was a risk I would take. I finally lost them. I knew they would find me eventually. I decided to pack my things and report myself in. I would tell them what happened and I would have proof. Hey, my eyes WERE purple. Not so common. They took me to a lot of doctors, and then they found out that it was true, I was a vampire. They decided to take action. They knew about my mother so they decide to take me to a foster family. I had to go by airplane to the state of Washington DC. No more sunshine for me. I walked into the airport, and was looking for my foster parents. I saw a woman holding a paper in her hand. It said "Violet Harrington age:17". There was a man standing next to her. Those were my foster parents.

I walked over to them and said "Hi, I'm Violet." The woman looked at me and was going to give me a hug but stopped in mid way. They knew I was a vampire, and also knew it was dangerous if they touched me. My eyes would change red and my fangs would come out. She put her hands down and just smiled. "I'm Randy" she said, "And this is Peter. We are your foster parents." "It's nice to meet you." I replied. "Would you like some help with your luggages?" Peter asked. "Hmm, ok." I said. I gave him one of my luggages. Within all I had two luggage's and a back pack.

We started walking to the parking lot outside were their car was. I put my luggages and my back-pack in the trunk and climbed in the back. Randy sat next to me and I didn't mind while Peter sat in the front. "So Violet, did you have a good flight?" Peter asked. "Sure." I said. I wish they would call me Arnimus. He started the car and said "I know how hard it might be being different. But I want you to know that even though I will be testing on you to find a cure, it doesn't mean that you're here for only that reason." I didn't understand him now. "You're going through some tough times and I want you to be as comfortable as possible. If you have anything you'd want to tell us just tell us or ask. We are here to help." He said.

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