chapter six

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Tom's POV

"What did he do Y/n?"
I ask gently

"He- he abused me"
She says and she melts down. She glides down the wall with her hands in her hair.

I turn around to think for a moment. He abused her? How could that fucking bastard do that?!

I bend down so I'm in front of her. I remove her hands from her face and cup her face with my hands.

"Are those bruises and scares because of him?"
I ask softly

She nods really slow.
Tears flow down her cheeks and she's sniffing.

"Why did you stay?!"
I ask

"I- I just wanted to love again... I was too attached"
She says and her face falls between her knees again

"I couldn't leave. Not anymore"
She cries out loud. My blood is boiling. I have to do something right now.

"I'm a failure, I fucking hate myself. I ruin everything, every time"

That's it, I have to say something.
"Y/n. Please listen to me, you shouldn't hate yourself for something he did. I-it's not your fault. It's his. Don't please"

"Tom, its not that fucking easy"
She says crying

"Well it will be. Just forget he ever lived because he won't for long"
I say and I grab her hand pulling her up. She jumps a bit and falls on my chest. Her hands land on my chest and her face is really close.

I grab her face with my right hand and hold her waist with my left.

"You're not a failure."
I say and I let her go. I wipe her tears and hand her the sweater.

"Let's go and eat. You're in 5 minutes in the kitchen okay?"
She nods

I walk back to the kitchen and make sure some food is ready for Y/n. I go with our typical. Some avocado toast. I see her coming so I make up the plates and shove it to her.

"I'm not hungry"
She says shoving it back

I say shoving it back

"Thomas I'm not fucking hungry okay?!"
She says and she grabs the plate and kinda throws it back at me

"You really wanna do this now?! I tried to make it better but you know what. Fuck you. You do fuck everything up."
I throw the plate onto the ground and all the glass shatters. She's scared, I can see it.

She looks away scared. Tears flow down her eyes again. When I thought I'd calmed her down. And here she is again crying her eyes out.

"Stop fucking crying Y/n your not 9 anymore"
I say rude

"Well you just threw fucking glass onto the ground what do you expect me to do?!"
She says with a bad temper.

"I expect you to shut the fuck up and don't say a word..."
I sigh
"Get the fuck out of my sight before I do something to you."
And she keeps sitting on that damn chair.

I walk over to her and she quickly gets off of it. I throw it on the ground while saying
"Get the fuck away now!"
She quickly walks off. I don't know where to but I don't want to know.

Y/n's POV

He says shoving the plate back to me. But I can't eat right now, I'm way too nervous

"Thomas I'm not fucking hungry okay?!"
I grab the plate again and throw it back to him. I didn't mean to I really didn't but I couldn't hold myself back.

"You really wanna do this now?! I tried to make it better but you know what. Fuck you. You do fuck everything up."
He grabs the plate and throws it on the ground. It makes me remind of the first time I met him.


"Do you want something in particular?"
He asked

"Yes. To go home"
I say rolling my eyes

He grabs a knife and stabs it in a wooden cutting board. I move a bit back and look down

"Listen here Y/n. This is my house and my rules. So suck it up! Because you are gonna be here for a while!"

-end of flashback-

I look away scared. I feel a few tears fall down my cheek although I didn't want to cry again. I was calmed down but now...

"Stop fucking crying Y/n your not 9 anymore"
He says fucking rude

"Well you just threw fucking glass onto the ground what do you expect me to do?!"
I say mad

"I expect you to shut the fuck up and don't say a word..."
He says even more mad
"Get the fuck out of my sight before I do something to you."
And I just can't move.

He walks over to me and I quickly get off of it. He throw it on the ground while saying
"Get the fuck away now!"
I walk away as fast as possible. But my legs didn't really want to move. I couldn't see shit because everything was blurry. I tried to find a room to cry it all out but I bumped into someone.

"I am so sorry"
He says but I don't know him.

"It's-it's okay"
I try and walk away but he grabs my arm gently

"You don't look okay... tell me what happened?"
He asks innocent

"I don't even know who you are"
I say looking down. How can I trust this dude when I don't even know him a single bit?

"It's Sage. Sorry for not telling you. I'm kinda new here. I met Tom once when I was friends with Harry. Now you know me"
He says taking a big breath

"Yeah I guess"
I say, I don't want to tell him. It's just to hard right now.

"I just want to lay down if that's okay?"
I ask, I kindly reject

"Yes of course!"
He says

"Do you know where Jay's room is?"
I ask

"Yes it's the first door to you right"
I nod and walk of to my baby boy. I just need some rest. And a warm hug from my lovely boy

-to be continued-

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