He dyes his hair blonde

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You were previously on Twitter when you saw the trend #JustinShowUsYourNewHair trend.

You creased your eyebrows because you didn't know a thing about this, "New hair" Business.

Justin has been out and about outside of home all day so you didn't really get to see him. Let alone, his hair.

You saw some tweets about his hair and even saw a picture if him covering is head with his snapback.

"Uh uh boy, you think you're slim shady?" You said as you quickly dialed His number.

You were heavily concerned. "Yah, baby?" You heard Justin say.

"Umm...Justin?" You said not knowing what to say as you scrolled down twitter.

"Y/n?" He asked getting confused

"What is this 'Justin show us your new hair' business all about?" you asked.

you heard him burst out laughing. "Y/n I dyed my hair bleach blonde." He said.

your eyes widened. "Why?" You asked.

"I don't know, I was just feeling it." He said as you heard more laughing.

"Send me a pic." You said wanting to know how it looked like.

Not too soon later, he send you a selfie with his new hair.

You bit your lip at how sexy Justin looked with his bleach blonde hair tousled.

"Damn, baby. you're daddy as fuck." You said not being able to control yourself.

You heard Justin laugh. "Babe, you're acting like my beliebers." He said.

"Uh duh because I am a belieber. And damn, im sure gonna tug on those blonde strands tonight." You said still staring at the selfie he send you.

"Shit okay, I'll be home in a few."

"Alright Justin, you better. That blonde hair aunt gonna last forever"

HEYYY LOL I CANT BELIEVE HE DYED HIS HAiR BLECH BLONDE but he look cute though. haha twitter is hype right now.

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