He's your Ex and wants you back Part 2

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you turned your phone off for the rest of the night and continued to enjoy your movie.

you checked your clock and it was past 10pm. you were getting really tired and couldn't do the all nighter like you wanted to.

You then heard your doorbell ring. "At night?" you asked yourself.

you looked into the peek hole and saw Justin standing there looking around. you sighed in frustration.

you unlocked the door and you saw his face light up in happiness.

"y/n.." He said about to walk in but blocked him.

"You're not coming in here." you said firmly.

he sighed. "Baby g-"

you narrowed your eyes.  "What do you want?" you snapped at him as you saw him frown.

"I-i just..wanted to talk to you.." he said looking at you intently. He hasn't seen you in weeks so he was just studying your appearance.

you rolled your eyes. "Well can you come back tomorrow? I'm not in the fucking mood." you said trying to spam the door but his foot caught it.

"I mean it. y/n please." he said.

you clenched your jaw but opened the door for him to come in.

"I want to sleep. what do you want to say?" you asked.

your patience with him was hanging on a thread. you didn't want to see his face at all.

"Y/n I just want you to listen to me." Justin said standing in front of you. He had on a red flannel with grey joggers and vanz to match. You hadn't seen him in forever so you also took in his appearance.

"I regret everything that I've done to make you upset. I am so so sorry. what I did was low and it makes sense that you hate me as much as you do." he said taking a step closer to me.

He gently placed his hand on my cheek and I didn't try to move it.

"I can't sleep, eat, or think without you coming into my head, baby girl. I miss you so much. I miss all the things webuded to do together." I saw his eyes watering.

his hand slid from my face, to my hands and he placed it on his chest. "Do you feel my heart beat, y/n?" he asked as I felt his heart thump against his chest.

"It beats for you." he said entwining our fingers together.

"I need you in my life again, please forgive me." he said sincerely.

You looked down. You didn't know if you should or not. What he did really crossed the line and pained you to no end. You missed him, that was correct. But you just weren't sure about him.

"Please say something.." he said hovering over you.

"Please.." he said leaning down to your ear.

"i-Justin I don't know.." you said reluctantly, biting your lip.

"You don't know how much I've missed you." he said raspily as he whispered behind your ear.

He intimidated you by how close he was but you didn't want him to know so you stood your ground.

"I want you, y/n." he said placing butterfly kisses down your neck.

"Justin, stop this."

"But baby.." he said and next thing you knew, you were trapped between him and

a wall. "

your breathing escalated when you felt his hand go under your shirt.


you felt him smirk against your ear. "I love you so much." he said as his hand got lower. You wanted to stop him but he just made you feel so good.

"And I know that you love me too." he said lowly.

His face was now centimeters away from yours and he slowly and gently captured your lips with his.

His tongue begged for entrance but you declined him.

You then felt his fingers rub against your sex through your pants and you gasped, letting him free entrance into your mouth.

"Justin" you moaned, tugging his hair as his hands roamed around your body.

"I miss your body so much.." he said kissing up your neck.

"I miss your lips." he said kissing them.

"I miss your love" he looked into my eyes.

"I miss everything about you." he said making you smile with everything he said.

"I need you, y/n. Will you please take me back?" he begged.

you could now see that he meant every word and he was truly sorry.

"Alright, Justin."


And that's a wrap! I hope you liked it! I think I ended part 2 very well. Anddddddd GUESS WHAT GUYSS?!!


@Ericawrites just made it and I suggest on checking it out!!!!!!!!!!!


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