Chapter- 37

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World is too huge, but in his arms, I found huger than something called world- Love!


When you happen to fall in love, you really don't care about the world or worldly doings. All you care about is him and his arms which will protect you from everything in that very same world!

Our Nest

Boys' Room

Manvik: Listen, no way we are going to be seated at the concert, okay?

Karthik: Oh no! We will stand on the chair while singing?

Manvik: Was it a joke?

Prathik: Do you expect us to joke now? I mean, what are we? Jokers who left an asylum?

Manvik: I don't know about Karthik, but you're obviously a retard.

Prathik: Excuse me? Don't you know we're triplets?

Manvik (frowned): I do!

Prathik: Then you must know that triplets will have similar brains too. Hence proved, I'm a retard only when you both are retards.

Manvik: Oh just leave, dude. Karthik, listen up, I'm not sitting on any damn chair while I sing.

Karthik just ignored him and started to tighten his guitar's strings. They were in their room, getting ready for their concert which is gonna happen today, in front of the world.

Manvik (pissed): You can't ignore me, okay.

Prathik (irritated): Listen! Why don't you just shut it?

Manvik: Why don't you both just listen to what I want to say instead of ignoring me?

Both Karthik and Manvik gave a look to him and then at each other.

Prathik: Okay, bark!

Manvik: I'm not a dog, if you want you can add me in Monkey's family as according to ancestors' belief, humans used to be monkeys in the past lives.

Prathik: Oh, so that means you still live in the ancient era? I mean, you still are a monkey!

Manvik: Prathik!

Prathik: What, Manvik!

Karthik: Shut up!

He glared at the duo, which made them pout at him.

Karthik: Are you gonna speak or not, Malhotra?

Manvik(sighed): Bhai! Its going to be our first concert. I know, we have done concerts at school, but this is going to be in front of the whole world. How do we sing at the concert, Bhai? We don't simply stand and sing. We sway with our music. We jump around. I want to enjoy music, Bhai. I don't want to simply sit on a chair and sing.

He got settled on the bed and looking at him, Karthik and Prathik knew he was upset that he won't be able to sing like how he used to. Preferring chairs while singing is so not them. They were always like their father when it comes to music. They want to enjoy it. Enjoy like there is no tomorrow. But Manvik's accident has caused the distress that he cant run or jump. He cant stand for a longer period of time.

The brothers settled on either sides of Manvik.

Prathik: You know, being emotional isn't a Malhotra thing. We have a swag dude, keep up with it.

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