She's Sick

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Demi's POV

"Achooo!" that would be my third time sneezing since I woke up. Not a big deal, I know. Except for the fact that I have been up for just about 5 minutes.

I've got a bad cold. A really bad cold. Hope this wouldn't turn into a fever. I lighted my phone, "2:09pm" I slept late last night. Work reasons.

My phone suddenly rang. Niall's face pops out. "Hello?"

"Hey, sorry for leaving you alone. I didn't want to wake you up either. We're just here at our dressing room. Practicing and killing time."

"It's okay. Make sure to have fun alright? I'm gonna be fine here. Maybe I could call Miley and Selena and ask them to come over."

"Okay. I'm really sorry to leave you alone. It's just this-" I coughed, hard. Something that I really did not want him to hear. I mentally cursed myself. "Demi, what was that?" he asked, curiosity playing along in his voice.

"Nothing. What was that you're sayi-"


"Niall, it's nothing really. I jus-"

"Demi" he repeated, now sternly. "What was that?" I realized that the noise in the background at the other line disappeared. The others were listening.

"It's just a cough, Niall." Nothing came from the other end. Something tells me that he's not convinced. "Niall, baby, really I'm ok. It's just a small cough. Nothing to be worried about, okay?" I added, adding a little confidence in my words.

I heard a sigh. "It's just, I feel bad. Leaving you and all. Also worried, if your cough gets worse and I'm not there to take care of you, I strongly bet that I would go insane."

I could just imagine Niall, with a frown stuck to his face. "Niall, listen to me. I'm okay, you're just over-reacting. I'll have Miley and Selena come over to lessen your worries. Have fun there and I'll see you later."

"But-" he tried to protest, but I'm not gonna let him.

"Oops, Niall?"

"Okay, fine. Just call me if something came up."

"I will. Bye. I love you."

"I love you too. More than you'll ever know." I smiled then hung up the phone. Right there and then, I let out a sneeze and a cough that I've been holding up.

I feel dizzy. My head began to ache. But I still managed to dial up Miley's and Selena's numbers.

"Hey girls." I let out a small cough. "Watcha doin' both today?"

"Are you okay Demi?" I think that's Miley, or maybe Selena. I don't really know, my head ache is really really starting to get the best of me.

"I'm fine. Do you have any plans today? Niall and the boys kinda got some last minute concert and I'm all alone." I said, my voice getting weaker and weaker each word.

"We'll be there in 5 minutes honey." Pretty sure that's Selena. She's the only one who calls me honey. Except for Niall's tweet to me on my birthday ofcourse.

"We know you're sick. Wait for us okay?" Miley said. "don't do anything stupid." she added.

I chuckled, "Yes, ma'am"

Niall's POV

"Seriously Niall, for the nth time. Stop walking back and forth while fidgeting on your phone." Zayn scolded me while actually dragging me to a nearby seat.

"Demi said that it's just a cough, right? You're being paranoid." Louis said.

I slumped down my seat, buried my face to my hands. I'm just really worried. I have these so many 'What ifs', "I don't know guys, Demi is really good in acting, even sounding okay. She may have fooled you but not me. I know something's wrong." they just kept quiet. I know that they know that I'm right.

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