Chapter 2

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Tony was sitting in his Penthouse looking at possible designs to be added to his suit when his intercom buzzed. He didn't know who it could be at this hour, the Avengers wouldn't be back till later and he wasn't expecting anyone, so he answered the intercom, too busy to look at the camera on the intercom, and asked "Who is this, how do you know me, and why are you here" he asked while continuing to look at suit designs on his tablet "M-Mr. Stark... It's Peter..." Tony heard the crying teenager say, just barely being able to hear his voice. Tony's eyes widened and he looked up at the camera, instantly worried, as he threw down his tablet on a nearby table "kid what's wrong?" he asked but the realized this wasn't the place to talk about it. "Hang on Pete, come on up" pushing a button on the intercom to open the door so he could get in then watched Peter slowly and shakily get in the elevator and as he pressed the Penthouse button, Tony immediately pushed the button to accept him up into the penthouse (I don't really know how penthouses work but I only assume this is how it works cause you wouldn't want random people in your house. I do know that's how you let people into the building to get to the elevators tho) so he could find out what happened. He didn't see the blood on Peter from the monitor...

The only elevator that went to the penthouse was really slow so it took about 5-10 minutes to get up, so Peter sat down as he was still shaken and tired from running to the building.

Tony waited anxiously for the elevator to arrive until finally it arrived and as the doors opened Tony saw Peter who was sitting inside the elevator, sobbing, with his knees on his chest, curled up in a ball on the side of the elevator, leaning against the wall, his hand covering his face then his hands and face were on his knees. Tony's eyes widened and put the elevator on service lock so it wouldn't go back down and he hurried into the elevator and got down on one knee, leaning against his other leg with his arm, and put a hand on Peter's shoulder glancing at him worriedly. "Kid, what's wrong?" he asked, worry in his voice as well as slight anger, thinking someone hurt him. Then he saw the blood all over Peter.

Tony looked at Peter again with fear in his eyes "Pete... Why is there so much blood on you?" He asked, tightening his grip on Peter's shoulder.

At first Peter didn't say anything, he just kept curled up, moving his arms to pull his knees closer to his chest, keeping his face buried in his knees before finally sobbing out "s... someone shot a-aunt May..." then continued sobbing with little hiccups every now and then. Tony's eyes widened "w... what do you mean, Kid?" he asked in disbelief as his heart sunk in his chest knowing May was the only family Peter had left. "I g-got home f-from school a-and sh-she..." Peter hiccuped, taking a second to wipe his nose and sniffle before continuing "she was l-laying on the floor o-of the apartment wi-ith a bullet through her ch-chest.... sh-she was barely clinging to life wh-when I got there a-and she t-told me sh-she loved me bu-ut before I c-could say anything back sh-she died..." Peter managed to finish explaining before falling back into a sobbing wreck.

Tony looked at Peter, shocked, and noticed how defenseless he look at the moment. He looked just like the little kid he met all those years ago, scared and sad, and he felt the same as he felt back then, like he had to protect Peter as his own son even if Peter wasn't really his son. Just then the intercom buzzed again so Tony quickly stood and looked at the screen and saw it was the Avengers and the others so Tony picked Peter up and carried him out of the elevator, putting him on the couch, and went back to the intercom, letting them inside, then unlocked the elevator which closed right away and went back down, pressing the accept button once they got to the elevator. Tony then went back to the couch and saw Peter had moved onto the floor. Tony then remembered Peter didn't like his couch because it was too soft, squishy, and bouncy. Tony sat on the floor and scooted close to Peter, pulling him into a hug. Peter was still curled up like in the elevator, so Tony had him in between his legs so he could hold him close and comfort him and they stayed like that as the others arrived.

The elevator opened and they all came out joking and laughing. Peter tensed up a bit and started shaking a little as he continued to cry. "Hey could you guys shut up" Tony yelled out, before putting his face on Peter's head, whispering words of comfort to him, stroking his hair gently

"What's wrong with Spider-Boy?" Thor asked as everyone walked over to the two with worry on their faces. "His name is Spider-Man and someone just killed his aunt" Tony told them and everyone immediately shut up, each having their own reactions. Some looked in disbelief, some teared up, some had wide eyes, and some just had a neutral look but inside they wanted to kill whoever shot Peter's aunt. Meanwhile Peter continued crying, praying in his mind that this wasn't happening and it was just a nightmare and he'd wake up in his room with May in the kitchen making breakfast but deep down he knew it wasn't true. Tony kept rubbing Peter's back and whispering comforting words to him. Tony looked at Peter with sorrow in his eyes as he didn't know how much more heartbreak and suffering Peter's little heart could take...

Suddenly Tony and Peter felt a pair of arms wrap around both of them. Tony looked up and saw that it was Steve "I'm so sorry Peter. I promise we're all here for you and will help you through this" he said, rubbing Peter's back, and Tony smiled. Slowly more and people joined the hug until everyone had joined into one giant hug, some people begrudgingly pulled in there by others, while almost everyone was saying quiet things to comfort Peter even though they didn't know him as well as Tony did. "We're all here for you Spider-Man" Thor said as Peter finally moved his arms and hugged Tony, because he was the easiest person for him to hug in this clump.

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