Chapter 4

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Italics- Flashback
Normal text- Present storyline

May had gone to Peters room to check on him when she was greeted by Spider-Man's back instead. She was about to say something when he took off his mask to reveal Peter. "What the fuck!?" She exclaimed and Peter turned around with the biggest look of shock and 'oh shit' on his face. May started walking away from his room in shock "Aunt May it's not what it looks like!" Peter exclaimed, freaking out, following her out of his room. "Not what it looks like?! So I didn't just see my nephew CRAWLING ON THE CEILING in a Spider-Man suit?!" Aunt May said as Peter looked down "Well when you put it that way..." he said, fiddling with his mask.

After a bit of silence May slapped her hands on her thighs and let out a sigh. "So, your internship with Tony Stark, what is it really?" she asked "Superhero stuff..." Peter replied "And when those robbers that robbed the bank and attacked spider-man with new, powerful, dangerous, never seen before weapons that blew up the shop across the street were on the news and I said 'when you see stuff like that walk the other way' and you said yes, that was really you there, putting your life in danger?" she asked, looking almost on the verge of tears. Peter looked down in a bit of shame and nodded with a small sigh. May was horrified "What were you thinking!? You could have been killed! I already lost Ben... I don't need to lose you too..." She yelled, crying now. Peter tears up as he looked at Aunt May in shock "May..." He says and takes half a step forward "No..." May said seeing him coming closer to her "Go to your room... I need time alone..." she said to him "But-" Peter tried saying but May turned around and looked at him with an expression that said "just go!". Peter jolted; he had never seen Aunt May like this before. Peter hung his head in defeat and went back to his room, closing the door quietly

Aunt May went into her room and sat on the edge of the bed, crying into her hands. She couldn't believe her nephew, basically her son, could keep such a secret from her. She couldn't believe even Tony Stark lied to her about working at some foundation
She couldn't believe she had yelled at Peter like that...

She wondered how he was feeling after being yelled at like that. She hoped he was ok but she just couldn't bring herself to face him at the moment. After she calmed down a bit she gathered her courage and got up, walking to Peter's room and knocked on the door "Peter? Are you still in there?" she asked, a bit of nervousness in her voice, not knowing how he may treat her after the way she treated him. But instead of hearing an angry voice, a sad voice, or just a voice, she heard silence "Peter?" she asked, knocking again. Once again no response. "Peter come on..." She said as she opened the door "I-" she stopped once she had fully opened the door. Peter wasn't in his room. She rushed out of his room and tried calling him but he didn't answer. May was freaking out and thought about it for a second before taking out the number Tony had given her when he had come over to talk to Peter about volunteering at some foundation. She dialed the number and waited as it rang. "Hello?" someone on the other line said , they sounded like a receptionist "Hi. I need to talk to Mr. Stark. He gave me this number so I'm only assuming I can call him here" Aunt May said and after a brief pause the receptionist said "I'm sorry but he can't come to the phone right now, as he is busy with an intern." May sighed and asked "Would that intern happen to be Peter Parker?" "uh... yes. How did you know, Ma'am?" The receptionist said, shocked, knowing no one was supposed to know about Mr. Stark's interns "He's my nephew and basically son. Now I especially need to talk to Mr. Stark if my nephew is in there" Aunt May replied. After a few seconds of silence she heard the sound of her phone dialing and knew she had been transferred. She smiled softly to herself

Tony was working in his lab when his doorbell rang. He checked the intercom and saw a distraught Peter. "Hey kiddo, what's happening? Come on it" he said worriedly as he buzzed him in. He made his way out of the lab and to the elevator to meet Peter there when it arrived. Shortly after Tony got to the elevator doors, they opened and Peter basically fell out and latched himself onto Tony, tensed up a bit, not at that stage with him yet. "What's going on Pete?" Tony asked him. Peter got off of him with a sigh "remember when I got defeated by robbers dressed like you and the other avengers and they had really powerful weapons and my favourite sandwich shop exploded? Aunt May found out I'm spider-man and found out that I did all that, even after promising if I ever saw something like that happening I'd run the other direction, and she got mad and yelled and.... she couldn't even look at me..." he explained, then becoming quiet and looking down, silently. Tony looked a bit shocked, this didn't sound like the May he met, "Peter I-" he started to say before his phone rang. He checked the screen and didn't recognize the number "Sorry Pete I'm gonna have to take this. You can wait in the living room." Peter nodded and headed to the living room while Tony went to the hall.

Once there, he picked up the phone. "Hello?" he said, watching Peter walk around the living room for a bit before sitting on the floor "Hey Tony, It's May. Peter's aunt" the person on the other end said "Oh hey May... What's up?" Tony responded "Is Peter there with you?" May asked, sounding worried. Tony turned and looked at Peter, who had decided to try sitting on the couch for once, then turned back "Yeah. He's here with me. Do you want to talk to him?" He asked, to which May quickly responded "No that's alright. As long as he's safe it's ok. I can't imagine he'd want to speak to me after I snapped at him anyways" Tony nodded in silent agreement "So what happened anyways? I heard from Peter but I want to get both sides of this story" he said, crossing his arm onto the arm by his ear, leaning against the wall. May sighed "I saw on the TV a while ago that some robbers with crazy powerful weapons were robbing a bank across the street from Delmar's and that Spider-Man saved Mr. Delmar and his cat and I told Peter to run the other way if he ever saw that type of trouble, and then to find out he's Spider-man I just.... I got scared. I lost Ben because he tried to be a hero... I lost my brother and sister-in-laws, Peter's parent, because they tried to be heroes, I wouldn't be able to handle it if I lost Peter as well because he wanted to be a hero" she explained. "Yeah I understand that. I know it's not easy but I promise you he always has someone ready to help him if he's in danger and I've put technology in his suit to always be able to keep an eye on his and know his location" Tony replied quietly, making sure Peter couldn't hear him. He heard May take a deep breath, calming herself down, and said "You're right. I need to not worry too much. As long as he's with you he should be fine. Just promise me something" "Yeah what's up?" "Promise me, if anything ever happens to me, you'll take care of him... and should anything happen to him, promise me I'll hear it straight from you instead of a cop or any other Avenger"

Tony didn't reply for a moment. He didn't like making promises, but he knew this one was important "I swear on my life should anything happen to you or the kid I will take care of it" he said "Thank you..." May said, and with that, hung up.

"Tony. You ok?" Steve said. Tony reopened his eyes and noticed everyone was looking at him. He cleared his throat "Yeah I'm fine. Was just thinking about stuff" he said and cleared his throat as he shifted his position, crossing his leg on top of his other leg, keeping the other on on the ground. Steve kept looking at him for a minute before continuing "So the kid will stay with Tony but were always here to help if you need us Tony" he said. Tony nodded and slapped the arms of the chair he was in and stood up "Well, um, I'm going to go check on the kid. You guys just stay here I guess and... talk" he said and left the room. After a second or so of silence Natasha spoke up "ok, I can't be the only one who thinks that was a bit odd."

Tony was just outside the room, out of view, his back and head against the wall as he sighed and covered his eyes whit his hands, pulling them down his face, before before standing up again and walking towards the living room to check on Peter and his friends. When he arrived, he saw them talking and Peter seemed somewhat happy, more like temporarily distracted from his cruel reality. Tony smiled with a sigh before his face became stern again as he started walking towards his launch pad as his suit protruded from his chest plate and he took off  

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