part six

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this is what terroriser's tail looks like.
Marcel's pov
i'm sorry Brock but this is for you. also for the people. i cant just let this "thing" or mer-idk
people might get hurt. or even worse.
i grabbed my net and goggles. i didn't even change. i headed to beach where it all happened. its noon but its not dark yet.
i can see a guy in the water. looks like he's fishing. i was setting up the net in the water.
while i was getting ready i hear singing.
fuck.... i start to look around where the singing is coming. i also hear a loud screaming coming from the distance. i realize it was the man fishing. i grabbed my goggles and jumped in the water and started to swim over to the guy.
i cant see shit!!

nogla's pov
i've been distracting this guy for like 2 minutes until scotty starting singing. thank god! i was starting to get tired.
i cant FOCKING wait! i am so hungry for his blood....
okay calm down nogla, calm down
the man was about to jump into the water until something just came out of nowhere.
the "something" pushed our dinner into the boat again. damn it.. wait... i think it was a human..if Scotty will keep singing will get TWO humans. nice... i go up to see whats going on in the boat. i see that the other human is telling the other to "snap out of it". wait. why isn't the other human being hypnotized? no time to think right now. its almost sunrise.
shit. scotty you can do this. sing harder!

Scotty's pov
i noticed that another jumped into the boat. what the..? well at least we get two humans. we don't have to  hunt tomorrow.
i sing harder to get those two humans out of the boat and drown. but...wait...why isn't the other human not jumping out of the boat?
i stop singing i start swimming over to the boat. i get a clear vision of whats going in it.
"come wake up! snap out of it!" the human is telling him snap of it.
okay what the fuck? gotta sing harder.
i singing so hard that i cant even breath.
i was about to look inside of the boat when i got caught into something. what the?!
i got pulled out of the of the water.
"you'll pay for what you've done" said the man glaring at me. wait its the guy the beach this morning! shit! 

lui's pov
shit what the heck is happening up there?!
i swim up to see a closer look on whats going on.
i see the someone is caught in a net. SCOTTY!!
i swim to nogla who is trying get Scotty out from the net.  i try not grab the humans leg but i git kicked in the chest. shit! that hurt so much! i cant breath well.. shit.
marcel's pov
i caught him! all i have to do is use this boat to go back on land. since its the boat that has am engine i can get away fast.
i try to find the lever to start this boat.
"found it!" i go to the lever and pulled it.
the engine starts to run and it starting to move.
finally!! we arrived on land and i move the net where it has the merman in it. i drag him into my car. damn he's so  heavy!
"let me go you bitch!" the merman starts to wiggle around to get out.
"you really think that i'm gunna let you go?" i stared at him. he stops to wiggle and looked at me in anger.
i put him in the back of the car when i hear a bike coming towards me. i look to see who it was. Evan and Brock?! how did they-
"Marcel what the fuc- OH MY FUCKIN GOD!!" Evan widen he's eyes as he looks at the merman in the net.
"Marcel is tha-" "a merman? yes. caught him"
i cut Brock off. the merman is still wiggling. its getting annoying. i grabbed the syringe and sticked it into the merman's arm.
he slowly stops wiggling and fell asleep.
"we need to bring him back to the house before anyone sees us" Brock and Evan nodded and went into the car.
i start the car and start driving home.
hope we doesn't wake up soon.

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