part ten

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the photo above represents what ohms tail looks likes.

brocks pov
did he just say Brian? from the beach?
holy cow.
"whose is it Marcel?" i walked up next to Marcel.
"oh hi Brock" i looked up at the brunette who was smiling brightly.
"hey Brian" I smiled back. i looked at Marcel who was just staring at me.
"what's brings you here Brian?" i looked back at Brian who was still smiling at me.
"oh ummmm do you know anyone who is named scotty?" "ohh ummm actually-"
Marcel was about say something when he suddenly stopped.
"ummm no. sorry" Marcel smiled.
"oh ummm okay. sorry to disturb you. bye brock. oh by the way should we switch phone numbers?" i nodded and he gave me his phone. i put my phone number in and gave it back.
"thanks" he said as walked away.
Marcel closed the door.
"what happened?" i said as he looked at me confused.
"what do you mean?" "why didn't you say he was here?" he looked down frowning.
"to be honest. i don't know. i just had this feeling to not say it" he rubbed his neck still looking down.
"well okay" i put my hands on his shoulders and lead him to the living room.
"hey guys who was that?" the brunette said standing up. "oh a guy i met at the beach. he's name is Brian" the brunette froze and widen his eyes. "Brain? did he had a red eye in his right?" he said slightly raising his voice. "yeah. you know him?"Marcel said walking to the frozen brunette. "he's my friend" their was a little bit of silence when Marcel broke it.
"wait what? was he the one you were talking about?" the brunette nodded. "what did he say?"    " he was asking if you were here"
he widen his eyes and grabbed marcel by the shoulders. "what did you say?!" the scared brunette stared at marcel. "i said no"
the brunette let go of marcels shoulders and sat on the couch. "they know i'm here" me and Marcel looked at each other and he sighed. Marcel sat next to the brunette who was still in shock. "Wait,arent you happy? i mean their your friends and-" the brunette cut off Marcel "They will bring me back home" "so?" Marcel responded while raising an eyebrow. Then the brunette looked down giving a big sigh which made Marcel look at me with a concerning look.the brunette looked back at Marcel making Marcel look back at him. "Remember the rules that i told you about?" wait what? what is he talking about? the brunette looked like he was about to cry. "Oh...." Marcel said while looking down "Wait what? i don't understand" "Brock i'll tell you later"Marcel said as his put his hands on the scared brunettes shoulder. "well you can stay here as long as you like" the brunette looked at Marcel with a shock expression "wait are you serious?" The brunette said sounding excited "yeah! but dont try kill us again okay?" the brunette chuckled looking at Marcel into his eyes while smirking "Oh~ i dont know about that~" Marcel backed up a little scared "im kidding im kidding. well as long you feed me im fine" marcel let out of a sigh of relief. "you scared me there" Marcel said with a smile on his face while giving the brunette a slight punch on the shoulder. they both started giggling as if they were a couple flirting.
wait.... Are they flirting?no their just being playful.
i made a cough sound which made them both look at me. i both gave them a smirk and said "So you guys done flirting?" they both blushed and looked away from each other. Marcel rubbing his neck and looking away and the brunette looking down.
wait what hold up-
Were they-
wha- okay forget it-
"Sooo uhhhh imma go to my room and edit some videos of mine"
i speed-walked upstairs leaving the two flustered weirdos behind.

Scottys pov
why tf am i blushing? like wtf-
"Hey uhhhh Marcel?" Marcel turned to me looking me into my eyes making me blush harder. "You remember that time when i gave you air right?" Marcel made a hm? sound meaning he's confused about my question. "Like you were drowning? you could've just went up and breath some air but i gave you mouth to mouth and gave you ai-
"that time you kissed me?" Marcel cut off my words and looked at me with a poker-face. "A k-kiss?" just by hearing that word coming out of him makes me soooooo weird?hot?idk.
"Yeah. Thanks anyways" "You're welcome" i said with a smile while punching his shoulder lightly.
there was an few seconds of awkward silence when i spoke up.
"soooo wanna swim?" he looked at me like i asked a question that sounded stupid. "You just got out of the pool" i pouted like a sad puppy making him chuckle "Okay okay.stop with the face and i'll go get ready" Marcel stood up from the couch and heading upstairs which im assuming that he'll change into his swimming clothes.

i patiently waited for Marcel until heard someone coming downstairs. i look at who it might be when i realized that it was the asian lookin guy that has a nice haircut. im assuming Evan? from what i heard? "Oh hey" i say to him making him turn to me. "Oh um Hey. what are you doing?" "Oh just waiting for Marcel. we're gunna swim the pool" i said smiling like a excited child."didnt you just got out of the pool?" he said making lose my excitement. "well the water is great. cant get enough of it" he looked at me weirdly. "whatever you say dude" he continued walking to the kitchen while looking at his phone.
does he think im weird? i thought to myself when i felt a hand on my shoulder. i look up to see Marcel in his swimming pants. i stand up and we both walked outside to the pool to see some people on the other side of it. i didn't know who it was until my brain processed their faces.
oh shit its them.
i run back inside and run upstairs and locked myself into this room. i dont where i am but i dont care.

Marcel's pov
wait what? where did Scotty go? i felt
a hand on my shoulder and turned around to see the Brian dude. "Wha? how did you get here?" " Liar. you said he wasn't here" i felt my heart beat faster. "oh ummmm i well" "dont say anything. search the house he has to be in there" he said as his friends go into my house. "You are trespassing" i tried to sound calm but failed. "Does it look like i give a shit? look we just want our friend back. thats it. if you give us our friend back we'll be gone" i gulped. "fine. i'll go get him" i turned around and went inside the house. i grabbed the shirt that was on the couch as i saw Brock and Even looking scared shitless in the kitchen. Brock noticed me and ran to me. "yo who the fuck are these people?!??" he whispered yelled. "their here to get Scotty" "Okay so lets go get him!" "No! we cant!" Brock looked at me with a confused look. "What are you talking ab-" Brock stopped mid-sentence and looks like he was looking at something that was right behind me. i turned around to see Brian who was just staring at Brock. "What are you doing here?" Brock said sounding scared but kinda pissed off. "im here to get my friend" "BY BREAKING INTO OUR HOUSE?" Brock slightly raised his voice. while those two were having there argument i went upstairs and saw Scotty in the bathroom corner. i rushed to him and puts my hands on his arms. "Scotty. SCOTTY!" he looked at me with tears im his eyes. oh shit.....
"Marcel...." i could hear the fear in his voice. "okay. all i need you to do is jump out the window from my room. dont worry its not that high. once you done that i want you to get under the know what the car? it has four big wheels and windows. can you do that?" he just looked at me with his scared teary eyes. "Please Scotty this is all im asking" i gave a warm smile and he nodded. "Thank you so much" i went back downstairs as saw Scotty go into my room. i saw Brock still yelling at Brian and Evan on the couch looking scared and confused. "YES HE FUCKING LIED BUT BREAKING INTO OUR HOUSE TO FIND YOUR FRIEND?! WHAT THE FUCK BRIAN?!" i put my hand on his shoulder as he turned his head to me. i shook my head sideways. "Ay yo Brian. he's upstairs. We'll go out. Once you got him,get out of our house" i said to Brian who had a straight face. he nodded. "guys he's upstairs" One of the guys nodded and headed upstairs. "lets go guys" I said to Even and Brock as i grabbed the car keys and headed to the car. "Scotty. Scotty? you here?" i called and i felt someone hug me from behind. "where were you?...." i smiled and felt my warm melt. god wtf he's so cute.... "i turned around to see the crying Brunette. "im okay im okay. dont cry please" we looked at each. more like staring into each others eyes. "you guys gunna kiss or what?" i looked behind Scotty to see a giggling Brock and Frustrated Evan. i gave a middle finger to Evan and Grabbed Scottys hand and went inside the car. me in the Drivers seat,Scotty beside me and Brock and Evan in the back.
i started the car and started driving.
"Wait do we even know where we should be going?" Brock questioned. "I have no fucking idea" i looked to the side and smiled at Scotty. Scotty smiled back. "Can you guys stop with that flirting shit? its making me sick" Evan said as Brock started laughing. Scotty looked away blushing and started looking out the window. i just shook my head sideways and smiled.
Hey whats up flirty bitch
oh god not you again
you missed me didn't you?
No i didn't
C'monnnnn. btw you guys look cute together
Wait what? with who?
Scotty. you guys have been doing all couple shit and its adorable
Shut the fuck
haha. also watch the road.
Wha the-

HEY IM BACK!!! im so sorry for stopped writing all of a sudden. its just i had to deal with some school shit T^T
i promise i'll start writing more

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