The Neverending War Part 1

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             4 am(Landon Sunstone)
I woke up at 4 am in the morning. I went to get the ship ready to find someone else there trying to steal it. She was a tall short haired muscular woman with a robotic arm. As soon as she seen me she attacked because she thought I was a soldier. I shot an ice shard at her which she dodged. She deployed a holographic shield from her robotic arm which she tackled me to the ground with. I made my skin turn into fire which made her get off if me. I then flew into her putting her to the ground.
"STOP, I JUST WANT TO LEAVE!"the woman yelled frantically.
"Sorry, I thought you were one of them. Why are you trying to steal a ship too?"asked the woman more calmly
"Because I want to fight now and they will not let me."
"Sorry, I did not realize. I am in the same place. These people could use me now, but they want me to 'train'. I am Roxa." said the woman. I let her up. Me and Roxa talked for a few minutes and eased things over. We told each other our plans, and I even offered to take her with us. She obviously agreed. After that she helped me start the ship to get ready to leave.

After getting the ship ready I went to wake up Quinn and Terrance to leave.I now realized this was the first time they had talked. They collected their gear and we were off in the direction of the ship. The door was still locked to the ship bay, which made me curious as to how Roxa was able to get in. I walked through the wall to unlock the door for Terrance and Quinn. Once inside we found our ship and started our departure. The ride would have been smooth if a soldier would not have sounded the alarm because of a stolen ship. Roxa who was driving the spaceship sped up. Once we were outside the soldiers started shooting at the ship in hopes of bringing it down. I teleported out of the ship and started flying. I was shooting lasers out of my hands at them in hopes of getting them to stop. Unfortunately they persisted and I had to make their guns liquify. I then summoned lightning to make the soldiers lose sight of us. After that I teleported back into the ship.

We were all heading to where the DRC troops were deployed, which was a planet called Grullo. It was a war torn planet with many scars.Definitely not a good planet, but we all wanted to help. We were going to land and then help the ground forces. We would have had a smooth landing except our   ship was shot down. We were all free falling to the surface of the planet. It would have killed us if I did not use my telekensis to stop the fall. When we finally reached the ground I finally realized we were very far away from the war zone. The planet was huge though, about 500 times the size of earth. We decided to try and move in the morning. That night we had made a fire and discussed our stories.

Apparently Roxa had worked as a soldier for the DRC before they were so corrupt. After she found out about Virginia and California she went awol and decided to join the resistance. She wanted to fight against them so bad because of their injustices. She was from New York and fled to Chapel Hill, North Carolina to fight for the resistance. She was mortally wounded  in her escape attempt and was given a  robotic arm in its place. The arm had many different powers because it was built out of a light core. It was the only one of its kind. We all became good friends.

That night all we heard was the sounds of gunfire and death. I was ready to take down this coorperatipn and save the civilians affected by the war. I knew that It would be a dangerous challenge. But that was why we were here. I finally fell asleep but was woken up at 8 am by the sound of screams. Our weapons had been lost in the spaceship crash. fortunately we all somehow had powers. We quickly closed in on the location where the screams originated.
I dropped my mouth wide open when we seen shadow people. They were here, how was the darkness here they have not yet fully been released in the world. The shadow people attacked and killed civillians in a small village. We quickly went to stop threat.
Quinn was blasted back a good 20 feet by one of the monsters. Roxa deployed her shield and slid underneath the monster slicing it in half. It was dead. Then one came for Terrance and he summoned white fire from the ground burning it alive. Then 3 were after me, I made my body turn into a black hole sucking them in and absorbing their power. Quinn shot a burst of radiation at the monsters. Once the monsters were dead the civillians greeted us.
                  2 Hours Later
The civillians informed us that the planet contained a darkness fragment which is why the DRC was there. We were held as heroes. We had also been informed that we were the last of the troops left, as the rest was slaughtered.

With the darkness here, along with the DRC it was going to be a battle for sure. We were all alone. But nevertheless it was a battle that we were going to win.

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