💕Tonight Is The Night, A Beautiful Night💕

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You think I'd leave RadioDust after publishin a new book?! HA! How foolish of u to assume!

So how's about we get that chimney smokin again?


Out in the woods, an unlikely pair walk side by side towards a small cabin under the vast crimson of Hell's night sky. They reach the run-down shelter and did not hesitate to go inside, shutting out the bone-chilling cold of the hellish fall season.

Alastor hangs his coat onto a garment rack by the rickety door, starting the fire in the fireplace.

"You're right, Al, this is pretty cozy. I could get used to our dates being like this all the time," Angel marvels as he jumps onto the bed, laughing as it squeaks and rocks in protest.

"Well it's about to get cozier, my dear," Alastor hums, catching Angel's attention in a way that irks him.

"Ooohh what do ya mean by that, Alastor~?" he asks in his ever so flirty voice. The aforementioned demon rolls his eyes and heads over to the spider after placing his clothes on the dresser, leaving him in only his dress shirt and shorts.

"I meant to say I'll be reading you a story like a little toddler," Alastor teases and gets comfortable on the bed, Angel cuddling up to him not long after.

"Oh come on, Al. We've been dating for how many years now. Shouldn't we at least try it?" The spider demon says while resting his chin on Al's chest to meet him eye to eye. Alastor sighs, causing the other to bear a slight frown.


"Yeah, yeah, respect your boundaries I know," Angel, in turn, sighs as well and presses his cheek flat against Al's chest to avoid his eyes. Al gazes at him with a thoughtful look and pulls him closer with his arms.

"You know I love you, mon cheri, but you know my stand on these things. They're... Nasty and... Well, unnecessary," Alastor says cautiously, "it isn't like demons that were once mortal can give birth to children, much less two males."

"Yeah but it's not that," Angel looks up at him once again, his lips slightly puckered, his big eyes quivering with unshed tears.

"I apologize for reminding you of the child situation here in hell," Al whispers sincerely and places a gentle hand on his cheek, "and I'm sorry to say, dear, but what you're after simply isn't... An easy request for me to fulfill."

Angel sighs once more, avoiding his gaze, "yeah..."

"Mon amour," Al coos and cups his cheek to gently make him look at him, "I... It's just..." he sighs and bears a small smile, "I love you."

In return, Angel grins a close-mouthed smile and leans into his touch. "I love you too."

That night, as the mutated crickets make ear-splitting clicking noises, Alastor glances down at the white demon. He didn't sleep, he couldn't, not after their little talk. They've been together for so long, he wonders when his heart and body would fully open up to the spider.

Could it be that that time would never come?

He scoffs. Impossible. Just looking at the demon beside him proves his heart belongs to the effeminate lad.

'And yet you can't even bring yourself to look at his lips.'

Should he? No... He doesn't want to come off as doing it for the sake of it, of their argument no less. He could maybe plan it ahead, a few weeks time... No, in days time.

"That's much too long," a sinister voice speaks up from beside him. He sighs and turns to face his shadow, grinning just as wide at him, if not more.

The Misadventures Of Alastor M And Angel Dust (RadioDust)Where stories live. Discover now