chapter 40

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So right now I was about waking up from what seem to be a long sleep but in reality it was 7 hours. There was a head on my thighs, a foot right by my head and a hand shoved in my face. It was only Calum and Shreya tho. I gently pushed them off and scurried to go to the bathroom before any of them wakes up. I took a bath, and wore black leggings with a white shirt.

I was about to comb my fading hair when there was a knock on the door. "HEYyy" Shouted Ashton. "Hi babe" I greeted as I tiptoed to give him a peck. Cal anf shri were now in a weird position where her whole body was horizontally plaved between his legs and- well it looked weird. "Hey so are the others up yet?" I asked letting out a yawn. "Yeah Luke's been talking to his girlfriend for about an hour now" Ashton says. Ok cool, Wait did he say GIRLFRIEND?? "Hey hold up I'm coming back, what room you in?" I asked. "204" He says cooly. I marched down to the room and bust it open and well holy cow there was a naked red haired boy looking at his penis then at me and luke upside down talking on the phone looking at the penis then at me. Michael let out a scream as I closed the door as fast as I could. Ashton came jogging behind and when he saw my face he looked confused. "you can come" michael called. I walked in with my face bright red as well as Mikey's own. "Sorry bout that" I said and walked towards the bed. I pulled away the phone from his ear and ended the call. "Heyy whyd ya do that for?" He whined. "Because you little shit you didnt tell me you had a girlfriend" I said jumping.on the bed playfully hitting his shoulder. "Well I was gonna" he said trying to reach his phone. "No who is she?" I asked seriously. "Allison" He says. "Oh my god" Said both Michael and I. "You're dating my sister?" he asked once more. "Uh yeah?" Luke says and shrugs. "" He says.

"So tell me how'd it all happen little one" I said sitting him down on the couch. "Hey I'm older than you by 5 months!" he whined. I rolled my eyes and he sucked in a breath. "Right remember yesterday I went out? So like I carried her to watch the movie mockinjay and after we went to an arcade and played games eat pizza so Like she went to hug mr and our chains got caught together. We were pulled back and I looked down to her to her beautiful green eyes looking at me. I leaned in further kissed her until some kid parent shouted at us for being "Inappropriate" and we ran away laughing. Last night when I dropped her off I asked her kissed her one good time and uh the end" He said. I smiled amd jumped on him tackling him while giving a massive hug. "Yay I'm so proud of you my little one" I said getting up.  "I'm older than you Emma!" He shouted as I giggled.

Wonder where's my drummer? I sneaked to my room I should say our room cause he spends most of the time there now. I slightly opened the hotel room door and saw lying face first on the bed sprawled out like a starfish. I quietly locked the door and made my way over to the where he was lying. As soon as I sat down, he pulled and straddled me, his elbows propping him up. I stared into his beautiful hazel eyes and as soon as his lips was on my mine, ilI swear I was on another planet, Maybe venus. Things escalated pretty quickly and clothes were flying through the room. He asked for assurance which I approved. Here's to a teenage life!

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