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Sara POV:
'LEAH HAVE YOU SEEN MY PJS?', I shouted. 'NO SARA, BECAUSE YOU NEED TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR OWN STUFF!', she yelled back. It's official, I'm moving in with Leah. Well technically with Leah, Jordan and Jill. ' IM DONE PACKING!', I shouted. Leah came running downstairs. 'Good', she said while rolling her eyes. 'Well let's go then', she said while throwing some keys at my face. 'HEY', I yelled,' WATCH IT!'. She smirked at me and ran towards the car. The car ride (fortunately) wasn't that long. And when we got there, I saw Jill and Jordan waiting for me at the door. I got out of the car as fast as I could and jumped into Jordan's arms (I've known her for a while now). And when I saw Jill, I introduced myself. ' Hi I'm Sara', I said with a smile. ' Hi I'm Jill', she said. Leah bumped into me when she walked through the door. ' You going to get ur stuff?!', she yelled from the hallway. I just rolled my eyes at her and walked to the car to get all of my stuff. When I got back in the house, Jordan and Jill walked me to the guest bedroom. 'So this is where u will be staying', Jordan said. I looked into the room; there wasn't a lot of decoration in the room, there wasn't even a proper bed! 'Umm Jordan', I said with hesitation,' can I sleep in your room.....'. 'But where am I going to sleep', she asked me while laughing a bit. I looked at her with a begging face. 'Ummm, you can stay in Leah's room?'. Jordan suddenly blushed and looked at the ground. 'If that's ok with your sister...', she said while still looking at the ground. 'I'll ask her', I said while smiling. I walked into the hallway when I suddenly heard someone crying. It came from Leah's room. I saw the door standing ajar, and I looked into the room. Leah was sitting on the bed... with her head in her hands. I decided to carefully walk in. I sat next to her on the bed. She didn't notice me for a minute, but when she did she lifted her head up and turned to me...

Leah POV:
I noticed that Sara was sitting next to me on the bed, I lifted my head and turned to her. I saw it in her eyes... she was going to cry too. I quickly wiped my tears with a blanket and hugged her. 'It will all be ok, I promise', I said while trying not to cry again. We sat there, hugging, for about 2 minutes. Then she turned to me with a face of guilt,' ummm Leah?'. 'Yes', I said, knowing it wasn't going to be good. 'The guest bedroom is a little.. ummm boring, sooo I was wondering if Jordan could sleep with you and I could sleep in Jordan's room?'. I just knew it. 'Jordan said it was ok if you were ok with it!'. I decided I would just let it happen. 'Ok fine..'. She almost jumped into the ceiling. 'Thank you Leah!!'. She was already running into the hallway to tell Jordan. Half an hour later I heard someone knocking at my door. 'Come in!', I shouted. It was Jordan, she was holding all of her clothes. You couldn't even see her face. 'Wait let me help you with that', I said while taking a piece of her clothing pile. 'Thanks', she said while blushing. She was so focused on me that she even dropped a few clothes. I tried to pick them up, and Jordan was trying to pick them up too. Our hands touched while we were trying to pick up the clothes. I didn't know how to feel or to react, so I acted like nothing happened.

Sara POV:
After a few weeks of living with Leah, Jordan and Jill... well I became like best friend with Jill. Leah and Jordan are getting into a 'friends with benefits' relationship (I think so, I'm observant, not a stalker). And I met this really cute boy at school. His name is Brady, and I guess were dating (It's not official yet). He took me out on a few dates. But we haven't had our first kiss yet. Tonight, I'm going on the 4th date with him, and I hope it'll happen tonight. But of course before I could leave, Leah gave me a big lecture. About a curfew (home by 12 o'clock ), and about some other boring stuff I already forgot. So I got dressed and waited for him at the door. When he finally got here, Leah gave him 'the look' (like the 'if ur gonna break her heart, I'm gonna break you' look) and we headed out. We watched a movie at his house ( because his parents weren't home, and no we didn't tell Leah that), we put some face masks on and made funny photos. At the end we decided we could watch a second movie (it was only 10 o'clock), and we cuddled a bit on the couch. When the movie was over, I got up to look for my socks and shoes (current time 23.45), but he pulled me back on the couch. I wanted to ask why, but before I could he kissed me. And not on my cheek, but on my lips! Like full! I was a bit shocked at first, but then I looked into his blue eyes. When he finally pulled away, I wanted to kiss him again, but then I saw the time! 'I really need to get home quick!'. 'Don't worry, I can take u'. We ran to the car and drove to my house. Before I walked out of the car he gave me a kiss on the cheek. 'Cya tomorrow Sara', he said. 'Cya Brady!', I replied. And then he drove off. I quickly ran to the door and got into the house. Luckily it was 23.55, I wasn't late! Leah was already waiting for me in the kitchen. 'Come here young lady', she said a bit harsh. I slowly walked towards her. She grabbed my face and pulled it up. She checked my neck, why would she check my neck? 'Ok, no hickeys, you're good to go'. 'Seriously was this about checking if I had any hickeys?!', I shouted. 'I can get a hickey whenever I want to get a hickey Leah!'. She looked at me like she was about to explode. 'To your room young lady!', she (almost) yelled. I was so angry. I mean, I could decide what happens to MY body! I walked up the stairs and slammed the door of my bedroom behind me.

Leah POV:
Was I really overreacting? But she's 14, I had to check! Right...? I let my head fall into my hands again. What am I doing, I can't raise a kid like this. I felt a tear rolling down my cheek. I heard Jordan coming into the kitchen, I heard her approaching me. She put a hand on my back. I looked up and she looked me right in the eyes. I felt another tear rolling down my cheek. She wiped the tear with a napkin. 'What's wrong Leah?', she asked my while wiping my other tears. 'Well what do you think is wrong, one day I'm just a professional athlete..... now... I'm a professional athlete AND a mother'. She looked at me like she understood me. 'I'm gonna help you ok?', she said while looking at me. I bursted into tears again. 'But what if I'm not a good, big sis?'.

Hiiii, I hoped you liked the first chapter of my story. If you have any tips or suggestions, just leave them in the comments <3

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