Chapter 2

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POV Sara:
I ran upstairs and slammed the door behind me. How could she do that?! Just think that she can control my whole life from now on.

I sat on the bed with my head in my hands. I needed to clear my head. I decided I would go for a walk in the park nearby. I had to be really quiet, or else Leah and Jordan would hear me.

'Was I wrong?', I thought, while walking through the park. I mean it mustn't be easy for Leah either, having to take care of a 14 year old teen. I realized how wrong I was and quickly made my way back home.

I saw Leah and Jordan sitting at the kitchen table, they were talking... I think about me! I quickly ducked to the ground and crawled to the kitchen.

'I just don't know h-how', I heard Leah say. 'I know.. but Jill and I will help you ok?'. I saw Jordan wiping a tear off of her cheek. Leah blushed a little. I laughed a little bit too loud and Leah and Jordan were looking at me.

I quickly stood up. 'Uhm.. Sara can we talk', Leah said while I was looking at the ground. She walked to my bedroom and I followed her. When she closed the door behind me, I ran up to her and hugged her.

'I'm really sorry Leah! I realized that this must be hard for you too...'. She looked me right in the eyes. 'Oh it's alright munchkin', she said while rubbing my head. My hair was a complete mess. 'HEY! LEAVE THAT!', I shouted (a bit annoyed) and I pushed her away.

She laughed at me and hugged me again. 'We will figure this out munchkin..'. I sighed. 'You know I don't like it when you call me munchkin, I'm not your baby sister anymore', I said while rolling my eyes. She laughed at me again and we walked downstairs together.

POV Leah:
Sara and I walked downstairs. 'So, are you two good?', Jordan asked. I looked at Sara and she nodded. 'All good', I said while smiling at Jordan.

I saw that she blushed a bit... was that because of me? 'Ey munchkin, it's time for bed', I said while looking at Sara. Sara walked upstairs. And I saw Jill coming downstairs. Jill and Sara quickly gave each other a handshake and both walked away.

'Sorry it took so long, I was chatting with my family in Holland', she said. 'It's ok Jill', I said while laughing a bit. 'Soooo, are we gonna watch a movie', Jill asked. We all agreed and walked to the living room.

We watched Clueless on Netflix and ate lots of popcorn. I saw Jill and Jordan yawning. 'I think we should go to bed now, to get a good night sleep', I suggested. They both nodded and walked upstairs, I quickly locked the doors, turned the lights off and walked upstairs too.

POV Jordan:
I yawned and opened my eyes. When I did I saw Leah next to me. I looked around and saw I was no longer sleeping on the ground but in Leah's bed. I remembered how I got here;

(flashback) I walked into the bedroom and I saw Leah coming upstairs too. I quickly changed into my pjs and sat on the small bed next to Leah's bed. 'It's ok if you wanna sleep on the big bed with me', Leah said while noticing I was staring at her. I looked down and nodded. I sat next to Leah on her bed. 'Soo, how are you holding up', I said to break the ice. 'Well, it's going to be hard, I know that, but to be taking care of your sister on your own is kind of a big responsibility', she laughed. I laughed with her. I saw Leah yawning. 'I think it's time we sleep too', I said while laughing at her. She nodded and we both fell asleep pretty quick (end flashback).

I got out of bed and walked downstairs. No one was awake yet (which didn't surprise me) so I decided to make some breakfast. When I was done baking the eggs, I heard footsteps behind me. 'Hey, what are you making', Sara asked. 'Some eggs, as you can see', I said. She quickly grabbed an egg off the plate and ran to the table. 'Thanks for the egg Jordan', she shouted from the other side of the house.

POV Leah:
I opened my eyes and yawned. I looked around and I couldn't see Jordan. My worries quickly disappeared when I smelled fresh baked eggs. I ran downstairs. I smiled when I saw Jordan putting some eggs on a plate. 'I got you something else', Jordan said while smirking at me.

I looked at her with a confused face. She walked towards the refrigerator and grabbed a box. My eyes glowed when I saw what she got me. A ham sandwich! I ran towards her and hugged her. 'Thank you soooo much Jordan', I said. I quickly grabbed the sandwich and walked to the table.

'Good morning', I said. 'Good morning', Sara said while yawning. I heard footsteps and Jill came downstairs too. Her hair was in a messy bun and she was wearing an oversized shirt and yoga pants. 'Good morning Jill', I said with a smile. 'Good mornin Leah', she yawned. Then I saw Jordan walking towards the table.

When she was walking towards us, she accidentally tripped over the remote. She dropped her eggs and luckily she could break her fall with her hands. I walked towards her and squadded down. 'Are you ok', I asked. She looked at me and we both blushed.

'Uhm yea, I'm fine', she said while quickly looking back down and grabbing her eggs from the ground. I saw Sara and Jill smirking at me. 'Oh shut up', I mouthed.

POV Sara:
Leah and Jordan looked each other in the eyes and they both blushed. Jill and I looked at each other and smirked towards them. 'Oh shut up', Leah mouthed.

Jill and I silently laughed. Leah helped Jordan up and they both cleaned up the floor. When they were done, I walked towards Leah. 'Hey Leah.. uhm... I wanted to ask you something', I said with hesitation. I saw Leah looking at me with an what-do-you-want face.

'Uhm I was wondering if I could watch a movie at Brady's house tonight', I asked with puppy eyes. I saw Leah thinking, looking at Jordan and then looking back at me. 'Fine, but are his parents home', she asked. 'Yeah of course', I lied. 'Then it's ok', she said. 'Thank you Leah', I said while hugging her.

I felt a little bad for lying, but know I could at least be with him without a lecture from Leah.

Later that night

POV Leah:
It was about midnight. I was still waiting for Sara to come home. About 5 minutes later she did. I didn't check her this time because I trusted her. She looked at me with a face of guilt and quickly ran upstairs. I knew something was up... but what?

Hi, thank you for reading my story. I hoped you liked the second chapter!! Let me know what you'd like to see in the next chapter, I'm open to suggestions!! <3

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