Chapter 3

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Leah POV:

The next morning, we all had breakfast together. But it was oddly quiet. 'So how was your date', Jill said to break the ice. 'Uhm, it was good', Sara answered, while looking down. I took a quick glance at her neck, but couldn't see anything because it was covered with a scarf. I started to worry, but I immediately snapped out of it when my eyes met Jordan's. She gave me the don't-worry-she-promised-look.

'So, were his parents nice', I asked, hoping that she would answer me honestly. 'Yeah, actually they were', Sara said while playing with her hair. My blood immediately started to boil. Jordan saw that I was getting mad and whispered: 'Are you ok? What's wrong Leah'. 'She always plays with her hair when she's lying ', I whispered back. Jordan immediately got the memo and asked Jill if she would help clean the kitchen. Jill protested, but when she heard why they have to clean the kitchen, she walked to the kitchen with Jordan.

Sara POV:

Jordan and Jill suddenly walked to the kitchen to clean it. I didn't know why tho... the kitchen was perfectly clean. But when I saw Leah looking at me from the other side of the table, I knew exactly why. Leah moved to the seat next to me and looked me in the eyes. 'Why did you lie', she said while looking straight into my soul. I didn't know what to answer to that. 'I said, why did you lie to me Sara', she nearly screamed at my face.

I don't know if I was in shock or just seeing things, but I saw a tear rolling down her face. 'I lied because I don't need a big sister to control my life', I screamed. I wanted to walk away, but Leah grabbed my scarf and revealed my neck. I saw her expression going from dissapointed to really angry. 'WHY DID YOU LIE', Leah said, she was now screaming too. I saw Jordan and Jill looking at us. ' BECAUSE IT'S ALWAYS ABOUT YOU LEAH, I'M EITHER YOUR SISTER OR JUST SOME GIRL TO PEOPLE, I WISH YOU WEREN'T MY SISTER', I screamed.

I ran upstairs and slammed the door behind me. I was done with Leah. I didn't care how hard it was for her. I packed my things and texted Lisa. I ran downstairs with my suitcase in one hand and my phone in the other hand. 'No wait, Sara', I heard Jordan say. But I already shut the front door behind me.

I waited for five minutes, then I saw Lisa's car driving into our street. I quickly got in and she drove off. 'So, are you gonna tell me what's wrong', she asked. I told her the whole story. 'I mean, I kinda feel bad for Leah', Lisa said with hesitation. I looked at her and rolled my eyes. 'Sorry, sorry', she said while laughing. We arrived at Lisa's and Viv's house. I saw Viv standing in the doorway. Lisa helped me with my suitcase.

When I was done unpacking, I sat down on the bed in the guest bedroom. Viv and Lisa joined me. Lisa explained the whole story to Viv. They both hugged me and left the room. I saw like 10 missing texts from Leah and 4 missed calls. I opened the texts:

(10:15) L: Please come home so we can talk Sara...

(10:30) L: Sara, I'm really worried about you, where are you?!


I decided to text her back:

(11:30) S: I'm at Lisa and Viv's house, I'm gonna stay here, because these people DON'T try to contol my life. So don't try to visit, text or call me again Leah!

(11:31) L: is typing....

I quickly went offline and turned my phone off, I can't take this right now.. another lecture from Leah.

Jordan POV:

I felt really bad for Leah. I tried to stop Sara, but she left before I could say anything. I walked to Leah, who was sitting at the table with her head in her hands. 'How could I be so stupid, not even knowing what she might be going through.... she lost her mom too', Leah said. I hugged her. 'It's gonna be ok Leah', I said. Jill joined in with the hug. 'We'll help you', Jill said.

Hey, thanks for reading my story, I really appreciate all the votes. Sorry that it took a bit longer than expected to write chapter 3. I'm gonna try to start with chapter 4 very soon! <3

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