Chapter 1

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On a lazy Saturday morning, the three friends started to lazily roam the school campus trying to find a source of entertainment.

The one leading them, Jm saw a 5 cent coin and tried to pick it up as he did, he was kicked in the back by a mysterious figure and found him self face down on the ground next to a very unusual brown bottle. The two other friends that came with him were AJ and Ellie.

They both laughed at the sight of their friend bruised and on the ground face down. Ellie abruptly stopped laughing and pointed out the unusual bottle beside her friend trying to stand up.

Jm finally stood and tried to pick up the buried bottle. He then persuades his two other lazy friends to help him in looking for something to use to dig out the bottle.
It was very dirty so they continued to walk around the campus in order to find a source of water. " Guys! There is a water pump right next to that tall building" Ellie said. " So now that we have a water source, Aj! start pushing down on the pump so we can wash this thing!"

Once it was finally clean, Ellie started up her friend's imaginations by theorizing what could be inside the unusual bottle. " Hey guys, maybe the contents of that bottle will reveal the secrets of the school!"

While AJ and Ellie were doing that, Jm was thinking about why he always gets bruises from random rocks falling from the sky." I really know that there is a tall shadowy figure throwing rocks at me! " he screamed out to the distance.

"And I also know that none of my friends are doing it. I keep an eye on them all the time!" he continued.
AJ starts throwing the bottle at the tall building thinking that the bottle could break and reveal something extraordinary.

" Why did this thing not break? I broke our sink at home twice in a month!" Aj said.

She began to get irritated and threw the bottle at the building once again. This time, the bottle didn't hit the building.

Ellie, then, stomps her foot in disappointment and exclaims " Why did that thing not break? I really thought that it contained maybe 1 or 3 letters that told us why the bottle was so weird".
Jm, then, persuaded them to find more people to help them in theorizing what that bottle was. Jm took out his phone from his white knapsack. Ellie asked what he was going to do with it.

Jm did not respond. Ellie looked at what he was doing. He was actually researching weird bottles on the internet. Jm also found an article detailing the weird bottle phenomenon as told by five students who found the exact same bottle over 5 years ago.

In the article, the students manage to break the bottle only to find out that it was filled with cement. Yet, the students found two letters inside, supposedly written by a prophet. The first letter said that,

"To he who found this letter, find the three gems in the sea of rocks. The journey might've been bitter, but the real truth shocks. When the sun goes down and the moon is at its peak, the three gems will finally reveal the truth that you seek".
While the second letter remained blank. The prophet wrote at the back of the blank paper, 'Only the chosen ones are allowed to read what's inside.'.

Jm and Ellie were slightly confused at the very mind-boggling article they had just read and looked at each other. Both of them suddenly noticed that AJ wasn't with them anymore.

They looked around the building until they saw a dark silhouette darting across the 3rd floor of the building to the stairs. The creature seemed to have long hair and had a feminine appearance.

Jm grabs the bottle from Ellie and chucks it at the figure while screaming "If you're looking for this bottle, take it! We don't need it anymore!"

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