9 .

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As we go backstage, some wrestlers congratulate us on our relationship. I had to leave jey tho cause I had to head to the hairstylist to do my hair , I kissed him goodbye and left .
The reason why I'm getting my hair done is because I had a mixed tag team match with edge , Alexa bliss, and randy was my partner .
And no , I didn't tell jey because I knew he wouldn't want me to be his partner but it's not like Randy has a thing for me and I surely didn't have a thing for him .

I'm now waiting at the gorilla cause my entrance was last after Randy's. I make my way down and do my little dance and waste no time getting into the ring.
"Ima go in first . If that ls good with you" randy tells me . I nod my head and stand on the apron as the bell rings and the men both attack each other . They fight for a while and randy is down hurt and tries to make the tag .
He finally hits my hand and I get in and run towards Alexa and clothesline her . She gets up and I run and kick her but she grabs my foot in the air and kicks me in my stomach and I fall hard on the mat . She goes on the turnbuckle and jumps but I move out the way just in time .
As I get up , she's on her knees so I start kicking her and the crowd counts how many kicks I do " 5 ! 6! 7! 8!9! 10!"
I stop at ten and just as she's about to fall over , I run into the ropes and kick her hard in the face one more time . I go for the pin and she kicks out at two , but she's still tired . I can tell.
"That was three !!" I teal at the ref. I get up and walk in a circle "AYOO!" I scream and the crowd screams it back but I wasn't gonna do my finisher . I was gonna do Randy's.
I squat a little cause if I go down anymore, my whole ass would show out . Once she stands up, I run to her and RKO her . The crowd goes crazy and I run and pin her . We won ! I sit there staring at randy smirking with my tongue out

The ref holds both of our hands up and I smile at the crowd and we both slide out , making our way up to backstage . As we make it backstage, an interviewer comes up to us
" ailani and randy Orton . Randy how do you feel about ailani using your finisher to end you guy's match ?" She ask him
"Well I mean , as long as we won it doesn't matter . Just tell me when your going to use it " he says and we walk away from the interviewer and go separate ways . I grab a towel and put it around my neck and walk around the halls
I ask around where was jey and most people said he was outside in the back .
Why would be in the back.. outside?
I make my way outside and the ' total divas ' camera people follow me . I spot jey standing on the side walk with his back towards me.
"Jey " I say and he looks down to me .
"Mhm?" He ask . The camera go away .
" what's wrong babe " I ask and rub his arm .
He turns his body to face me . "Why you ain't tell me you was partnering with randy ?" He ask me .
I breath out . " because I knew you would react like this . And wouldn't let me do it " I say while holding both of his arms .
"Just tell or let me know next time . Okay ?" He says looking down at me . His voice was deep which was kind of sexy right now .
" si papi" I say and we kiss and of course he grabs my butt again so he can slip his tounge in .
I laugh as we stop kissing "girl you making me wanna take you to bed and go crazy " we both laugh as the cameras come around and point them at us . Jey takes his arm and puts it around my head, kissing me on my forehead as we walk in and he waits for me to change .
I change into my outfit from before and walk out to see jey still out there . The show wasn't over but we didn't have no more matches or anything . "You ready ?" He ask me
"Yea . So where are we going " I ask him .
"Out to dinner " he kisses my cheek and we say bye to trinity and jimmy . We get in his car and I text trinity if she could drive my car home and she says yes .
I plug my phone in the six and play some oldies . ' you & I ' by avant- comes on and I start to sing .
"Ohh baby . you and I , together for always " I smile while holding Jeys face and he sings it to me also .
I laugh " whaat! You know this song ?" He looks at me crazy. " girl yea. This one of the classics" he says and I just laugh . I think he really has my heart .

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