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It's been two days and the nausea isn't getting any better, matter of fact it's kinda getting worst. So today I decide to take a test while jey was out running errands.
I go upstairs into our bathroom and take out three pregnancy test and sigh . I pee on all the sticks set them down on a towel on the counter and wash my hands.  As I wait for the test , I call up jeys mom and she comes right over.
  I hear the doorbell ring like 15 minutes later and go down the stairs and open it to see hours mom .
" hey sweetie " she pulled me into a warm hug .
" hi . Could u come upstairs so I could show you this ?" I ask her hesitantly and she put her purse down on the counter and nodded her head .
She followed me upstairs to our room and into our bathroom.
She looked around the bathroom in awe and looked at the marble counter until she saw the tests.
" oh my god . Your pregnant!" She looked so shocked and excited.
" I- I don't know yet , I'm scared to look at them " a little tear runs down my cheek and she comforts me .
" okay how about I look at them tell you what they say ok ?"
I nod my head and she walks over to the counter and we both take deep breaths
" ready ?" . I shook my head yes as my hands were shaking.
She picked up the first one ..

"Positive "

Then she picked up the second one..

" positive" she said while her eyes got watery.

She then, picked up the last and final one ..

She turned it around and showed me and I look at it
" positive " I say and she nods smiling .
" oh my god . Oh my god, we're having a baby ! I'm gonna be a mom !" I smiled and cried and she hugged me tight and we both pulled away
" I wanna video tape jey when I tell him " I tell her and hide the test somewhere .
" when are you gonna tell him ?"
" soon . Maybe later today or tomorrow " I shrugged.
  Later on, his mom talked to me about being pregnant and the whole labor and basically everything I needed to know and then we had some dinner and watched some movies until she left so I decided to stop by the store, but I hade to hurry up because jey was almost home and get some stuff so I could surprise him .
I got a pair of pink and blue baby shoes and a long flat box tho put the test in .
I made it back home just in time to put the stuff in place and got a text from jey saying he just got food and is almost here . I took my phone and set it up and heard him come through the door and I pressed record .
" baby !" He yells .
" in the kitchen !" I yell back and he comes in and set the bags on the table and gives me a kiss " what's in the bags ?" He points over behind me .
" oh I had went shopping a little and I wanna see what you think " I smile and so does he .
He sits down and starts taking the food out the bags that he brought .
" okay so the first thing I got , you gotta choose which on you want " I smile and he laughs and nods his head . I bring the box with the girl and boy shoes in it
" you ready?" I look into his eyes and he nods his head . I breathe out " okay , open it "
He smiles and opens it and his face turned confused which I laughed .
" I don't get it " he started laughing too .
" okay, pick boy or girl " I say
" umm, ima go with girl " he picks up the little shoe and I turn around and pick up the long box and set it in front of him .
" I got something else for you too "
" I swear if this is some expensive ass jewelry ailani" he laughs .
" just open it !"
He looks at me and I quickly grab the camera and he opens it .
My smile was so huge that my face was hurting . Jey in the other hand , his mouth was wide open but formed into a huge smile .
" no ! No way !" He got up from the stool and started jumping up and down as he held the tests .
" your for real !?" He looked at me and I nod my head as he comes and hugs me tightly.
" ima be a dad ! Let's go !!" He yells and I just laugh at him . Even tho we're not even married , he made me feel 10x better about the situation .
I stop recording and he sets the test down " does anybody else know ?" He was still smiling hard .
" your mom does " he nodded his head .
" h-how do you feel about this !?"
I smile at him " I'm excited! I'm gonna me a mom and your the father of our first born " I say while looking him in the eyes .
" that's right , I am the father !" We laugh and he comes up to hug me and kisses me all over my face .
" I love you so much . Thanks you for this baby"
I smiled into his chest " no, thank you for this . I love you more , now let's eat this baby need some food " we both laugh and move some stuff around and start eating while planning doctors appointments and photo shoots.

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