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2 months later ..

It's been two months .
Two months since I stepped foot into a ring , hell even a arena .
When I found out that night I was injured , I had went the next week to give up my title. But now , I have no idea who has it . Me and jey are still dating . Jimmy and him had won the tag team titles and are winning matches left and right .
With him traveling all over the world, we haven't seen each other for a while but we always'd FaceTime when we could .
  For the past two months , I've worked on new moves and got better . I got my shoulder right and it's been good . I did plan on coming back to wwe tho , without a doubt. I just didn't know when until two weeks ago , money in the bank was announced .
So I called up steph and hunter and told them I planned on coming back at money in the bank . And of course they agreed with me .

I didn't tell trinity or jey that I was coming back . I wanted it to be a surprise .

*Skip to Money in the Bank *

Today was money in the bank . The day I come back to wwe . I would be joining the one on one match with Mandy rose and Dana Brooke, turning it into a triple threat match . Whoever won got a chance at the title.
I start getting ready and take a shower . I step out and put on deodorant and put on a small blue nike sweater and black leggings with some black and white Nike's . I only wore this so it would be easy to change into my gear .
I walked to my room and got my bag , putting my gear in it and making sure I had everything.
I made my way to the elevator and outside to my car and headed to the huge sold out arena .

Once I'm there , I put my hood on and grab my bag and go through the back of the arena . I go to the little locker room that hunter and Stephanie had for me and got dressed in my gear . I was nervous to be honest .
I missed the wwe more than ever that it makes me nervous. It feels like when I first started...
I make my way down the little hallway that's by the gorilla after steph told me most of the superstars were in catering or walking around somewhere .
As I see Mandy already in the ring , I hear Dana's music go on and she walks out and down to the ring . They both wait at their corner for the bell to ring but it doesn't. You could hear the arena get quiet and see the confused looks on both the superstars faces.
Stephanie walks out to the stage and everyone boo's and cheers .
"Ladies and gentlemen ! This one on one match for money in the bank will now change !... into a triple threat match! "
The crowd shouts 'who' with confused looks on their faces .
" please . Let me re- introduce you .." she smiles and holds out her hand. I tell them to play my music and the lights go out in the arena and the crowd is still silent. I go out to the dark stage and the lights start flashing as the car noises go .
As the noises stop, the lights start coming on and that's the moment that the arena goes CRAZY! That just made me more excited .
I stomp my foot and clap my hand to the beat as the arena goes crazy . I walk down the ramp high fiving some people and then stop in the middle of the ramp and smirk at Dana and Mandy as they both looked scared and clueless. I continue walking with both hands on the side of my vest and slide into the ring, sticking my tongue out like always .
   I go to my corner and push my long straighten hair back . Then the bell rings .

The match has been going on for at least 40 minutes. I've been doing good so far and so have the others , I gotta admit .
I grab Dana and throw her out of the ring from over the top rope and she hits the ground hard . I turn around only to see Mandy in my face . We stand there looking at each other until she slaps me .
I look back up and kick her in her stomach and throw her out the ring . I stumble towards the ladder and set it up , climbing as fast as I could . As I touch the briefcase, I feel Dana trying to climb up but Mandy tries to pull her down and they both forget that I'm still at top . I pull harder at the case and it finally comes down in my hands but a little to hard , and I fall . Right from the top of the latter .all the way to the mat of the ring.
The ref comes by my side and ask if I'm okay and I nod my head and get up slowly. I get in my knees and hold up the briefcase. I grab a microphone and breathe for a second " I'm backk..." I smirk and the crowd cheers loudly.

I exit the ring back up to the ramp and into backstage. As soon as I'm by the monitor, everyone is there cheering and jey walks up and hugs me and we rock back and forth as people clap .
He looks at me " your back !?"
I nod my head " I'm back !!" . Everyone claps for me and gives me hugs and congratulates me .

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