Part 6

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It was 10:00 when he pulled into a gas station across the street from the clubhouse. He had checked into the motel in Las Vegas because he was sure that the club would be trying to track his location. He wanted to try and throw them off track. Once he had checked in, he got back in his truck and booked it to Charming as fast as he could. 

He had gotten a call from the one and only contact he had in Charming and decided to forgo sleep and get there before they left. If he couldn't get to her before they left for Calgary, he would get to her somewhere along the way.

He pulled a ball cap on and went in to the gas station to grab something to eat before rushing back to his truck. He didn't want to be seen. He then pulled his truck out of the gas station and parked just across the street so he could see Teller-Morrow perfectly. 

He watched as a younger looking guy walked out of the clubhouse with a couple bags and proceeded to load them into a black Cadillac Escalade. Shortly after he walked out, Justin saw Peyton's Uncle Bobby make his way out. It was kind of hard to miss him. He was shorter, a little on the round side and he had long black grey curly hair. He hated Bobby just as much as Bobby hated him.

He could feel the excitement flow through his body when he saw his pathetic excuse for a wife walk out of the clubhouse. But almost as quickly as that excitement arrived, it disappeared when he saw the 5'9" Puerto Rican asshole walk out behind her. This guy made his blood boil. He knew he would have to go through him to get to Peyton and he really didn't care who he had to hurt to get her back.

Chibs watched as a black truck pulled out of the gas station and parked along the side of the road across the street from the clubhouse. Something didn't feel right about this. 

"What's going on Chibs?" Happy asked, sitting down beside him on the picnic table. 

Chibs got up from his spot on the picnic table and slowly made his way across the parking lot to the gate. Before he even got halfway to the street, the black truck sped off. Instantly he got his back up and warning signals went off in his head. Happy had followed him and looked at him seriously. 

"Do we have a problem?" Happy asked. Chibs pulled out his pack of cigarettes and put one in his mouth. 

"We definitely got a problem," he replied, "That son of a bitch is here." 

"You want me to follow him?" Happy asked. 

"No," Chibs replied, "I'm sure he hasn't gone far."

Chibs put the cigarette back in the pack and hurried back into the clubhouse. Jax was walking out of the chapel when he walked in. 

"We need to talk," Chibs said urgently, "Now." 

Jax's brow furrowed as he leaned against the pool table. 

"What's going on Chibs?" Jax questioned. 

"I saw a suspicious looking black truck at the gas station and then it pulled out and parked across the street," Chibs replied, "It sped off when he or she saw me walking towards them. This doesn't feel right Jackson." 

"Jesus Christ," Jax murmured, "I'll let Juice and Tig know, but under no circumstances do we tell Peyton this. We need to keep her as calm and relaxed as possible." 

Chibs nodded his head in agreement. Peyton was like a daughter to him and it would destroy him, and the rest of the club, if anything happened to her. 

"Maybe I should go Jackie boy," he said quietly. He was scared of what this guy was capable of. 

"No man," Jax replied, "I need you here and besides Tig and Juice will be ok." 

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