Part 34

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The Next Morning

It was 10:00 am and Lyla had just finished doing Peyton's make-up and Gemma had showed up to make breakfast for the girls. 

"You look gorgeous," Keri gushed as she walked into Peyton's bathroom. 

"So do you Keri," Peyton replied with a big smile on her face, "You all ready to go." 

Keri nodded her head in response. 

"I thought I would get ready earlier so I could help you with whatever needed to be done before we left," Keri replied, "And Da, Tig, Happy and Jax will be here at noon to pick us up."

It had been agreed that all the girls would be brought up to the cabin on bikes and then they would get dressed and get their hair touched up when they got there. The wedding was just a small affair, with the club, their families and some close friends of the club in attendance and it was supposed to start at 3:00 with pictures and a big party to follow. It was forecasted to be a beautiful afternoon and evening and Peyton was so happy and excited she could barely contain herself.

Peyton made her way into the kitchen with Keri and Lyla hot on her heels. She walked into the kitchen to see Gemma and Joyce cooking breakfast, Tara was feeding Sierra, Jax was feeding Harry and Tig was gushing over Ava. 

"Ok, really?" Peyton exclaimed playfully, "I thought the two of you weren't supposed to be here until noon?" 

Jax looked up at Peyton and she caught the way he smiled at her. 

"Really Peyton?" Jax stated, "Two of the ladies are cooking breakfast, two of you were getting ready in the bathroom and the other, my wife, was helping getting Kerianne ready. There are three babies here that needed feeding and the four boys are self-sufficient and are entertaining themselves, but still needed to be watched. You couldn't have possibly been able to get yourself ready and take care of 7 children. You look beautiful by the way." 

"Thank you," Peyton replied, "And your point was made clear, thanks for that." 

"No problem," Jax replied with a goofy grin on his face.

"Well Tig," Peyton said, smiling over at him, "You ok with sharing me with my dad today?" 

Peyton had wanted both her dad and Tig to walk her down the aisle. They both had a special place in her heart and it wouldn't have felt right to her to not have both of them give her away. 

"Of course sweetheart," Tig replied, "But you know that it isn't necessary to have me walk you down as well. This is a big moment for your dad considering that he wasn't at either of the last two weddings. I get drive you in on the big bad bike. That's enough for me." 

Peyton's heart hurt a little bit when he pointed out that Dave hadn't been able to make it to her first or second wedding and she knew that Tig was right. 

"You sure you don't mind?" she questioned reaching for Tig's hand. 

"Of course I don't mind Peyton," he stated, "He's your dad. I'm just one of many father figures you have. You couldn't possibly have all of us walk you down the aisle." 

Peyton smiled in response and got up and kissed him on the cheek. 

"I love you Tiggy," she whispered. 

"Love you too baby girl," he beamed.

"Breakfast is ready," Gemma chirped, getting their attention, "Help yourself. Peyton, make sure you eat." 

Peyton rolled her eyes, but knew that Gemma or her mother wouldn't let up until she had at least an egg and a couple pancakes in her stomach. 

"Peyton..." Joyce chided. 

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