Chapter 23

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It was strange being back here on land. It felt like I was going home, but it also felt like I'd woken up and found myself in the place of my nightmares. I made sure to stick to the shadows, even climbing across the branches of trees in hopes I wouldn't be noticed by wandering eyes. It wasn't difficult to find the Lost Boys, as they weren't the most quiet bunch.

I found them all running around, weapons in hand. It was hard to tell if they were trying to hunt, as they surely would've chased away all the prey. Except for one. Me. I felt as though I was the one being hunted. Especially when I saw him.

Peter stood in the centre of the chaos, not even baring a smile. It looked like he hadn't slept in days.

I felt my hand slip from where I held onto the branch, like some force was trying to drag me down to him. I didn't want to stop it. I wanted to fall into his arms and forget about the note in my pocket. Burry the memories of the chains and the lies and all the death. I wanted to see him smile, even if it was the smirk that sent shivers down my spine. I wanted him to be good.

However the note grew heavy again and I knew what I had to do. I waiting until I noticed one of the boys wander off. I followed, relived to be moving away from Peter's line of sight.

As I drew nearer I realized I couldn't tell which boy it was. He looked around eight, possibly Alex? But no, he was much too skinny and tall to be Alex. Elijah then? I shook my head, Elijah was blonde.

I dropped from the tree, landing a few feet behind the boy. He spun around, a small shriek coming from his lips. He looked absolutely terrified, and I knew I'd never seen this boy before.

"Sh." I darted forward, covering his mouth with my hand, "who are you?"

"Charlie." He pulled away from my grasp, eyes darting in every direction. His feet shuffled like he was getting ready to run. "Who are you? Do I know you?"

"Names Rose, now, I have a message I need you to deliver to Peter Pa-"

"I know you!" He exclaimed loudly and I jumped forward again to cover his mouth. "You're the missing girl! From across the street!" He pushed me away again, "You've been missing for a long time!"

"What." My stomach dropped. The missing girl. From across the street. This boy hadn't been here long, he still remember things. He remembered home, my home. Of course Peter grabbed a boy from a place that would hurt me most.

"You're Dan and Lucy's kid, right? Our dads work together." The boy was peering up at me, neither of us sure what was happening.

"I don't know..." I whispered, knees buckling.

"Charlie!" His voice called out from the shadows, "what did I tell you about running off without my permission?"

"Quick, take this." I shoved the note into Charlie's hands, my heart racing a thousand miles per minute. "Give it to Peter."

Then I ran.

I ran away from Peter and my ache for him. I ran away from the truth of who I was. I ran away from my fears. I ran and I ran until I was engulfed in someone's arms.

Cecco had grabbed me before I sank into the sand. He didn't even ask what was wrong. That's what I liked about Cecco, he didn't push, he didn't need to know all the details, he just knew what he needed to do to help.

While the Captain loaded the rest of Cecco's gathered supplies into the boat, Cecco sat me down, wrapping a blanket around my shoulders. His hands gently wiped away my tears, as I'm sure a parent would have.

Why couldn't I remember my parents?

I wanted to scream. I wanted to dive to the bottom of the ocean and never return. I wanted to go home. To my real home. Not the Hanging Tree, nor Captain Hooks boat. Home. To Dan and Lucy, whoever they were.

"What happened?" I heated Hook ask once we were in the water, paddling towards the ship, "did you get the note to him?"

"Give her a minute." Cecco glared at Hook, something I never thought I'd see. "She's obviously been through a lot."

"I gave it to one of the boys." I said between breaths, forcing my broken seems back together. Once Peter was dead, we'd be free to find a way back to our homes.

That's when a thought hit me. Peter was the only access in and out of this place. Without him, there was no way home. Surely someone had thought of this by now. Maybe they'd just accepted the truth. We were stuck here forever.

"Then what in the name of Pan are you crying about." Hook muttered, obviously angry he was the one rowing the boat while Cecco brushed the loose hair from my face.

"Hook." Cecco snapped, treading in dangerous waters.

"That would be Captain to you." He answered, the only thing keeping Hook from running his sword through Cecco was his respect for him. Anyone could see that Cecco was one of the Captains favourites. Him and Mr. Smee- which I didn't quite understand.

We travelled the rest of the way in silence. Just the sound of the roaring ocean and my sniffles to keep us company. By the time we reached the ship I was able to sit up straighter and dry my eyes. I wouldn't let the pirates see me like this. Weak.

"You might want to take her below deck." I heard Cecco tell Micheal as he helped me on deck. But I was in to much of a daze to acknowledge it. Chin up, back straight, fists clenched- don't let them tremble.

"What happened?" Micheal asked once we were sitting side my side on one of the hammocks below deck. I lay my head on his shoulder and his hand drew circles on my back.

"There was a new boy." My lip trembled, "he recognized me. He knew my parents. He knows their faces and I don't."

"You will, I promise. Without Peter you'll start to remember them." I felt the pain seep into his voice as well. He knew he'd never go home. His siblings were dead. Peter killed them. Peter killed Wendy, the girl he used to love.

"We aren't ever going back, are we." I sighed, trying to allow acceptance into my broken heart.

"We're going to make this place our home." His words were so reassuring, he was so certain that we would succeed. I wasn't.

You can't kill me. Trust me, I know.

They were Peter's words. Spoken after Micheal told him we would kill him. I assumed Peter just thought we were weak, that we'd never be able to do it. I myself wasn't even sure if I could do it. We were- at the time- chained to the wall of a hidden cave. Micheal on the brink of death. I too blind to see his monstrous ways.

Although now, I realized that he could've meant something else entirely. That maybe he cannot die.

Trust me, I know.

He'd looked so sad, shattered beyond repair. He knew he couldn't die, and that's what hurt him so bad.

"Micheal, what if we can't kill Peter?" I sat up straighter, wondering what that would mean for us. We'd live on this ship for the rest of our lives, just like the pirates had. Either that or die at Peter's hands. Neither of those were options I could accept.

"You don't have to worry. We will get rid of him, you will be free." He tried to pull me back to his chest but I shook my head, leaping to my feet.

"No, you don't understand what if we can't."

"But we will-"

"No! Micheal!" I paced back and forth, frustrated, "What if Peter Pan cannot die? What if someone's tried before... remember what he said? In the cave? You can't kill me. Trust me, I know."

Micheals face went slack, dread crawling through his veins as it did through mine. What if all this planning had been for nothing, all this pain.

What if Peter Pan was destined to corrupt Neverland for all of eternity?

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