~Chapter 1~ The Figure

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      As you walk through the hospital doors, you notice a dark shadowy figure standing down the hallway staring at you creepily. Suddenly, the figure starts walking towards you darkness creeping behind it. You stumble backwards, surprised at the dark figures sudden actions. Then, there's a popping shatter from behind the figure. Suddenly you realize the lights are not just dimming they are completely shattering losing all light they once had.

    The dark figure starts aproching you quickly. you notice this change in pace and get up to run.
You look behind you and with shocking gasp, you are face to face with figure.

your thoughts raced as you thought about what "it" was going to do next, as a feeling of terror sweeps over you, and with your heart beating so hard you could hear it. You were uterly sstunned. The Terror has completely paralized you, you shut your eyes praying that your death is painless.

Suddenly, it disappears and everything seems normal, nurses walking towards their desks, patients sitting in there rooms. Even the lights that where once broken where now brightening the entire room. Everythings normal until you hear a voice.

You look around no one seems fazed by the deep husk voice, the voice says "hello, my little lilly" ," where is little mia..? " .                     

With a sudden shock of worry you remember the entire reason you came here and you sprint to your sisters hospital room . You repeatedly mutter your little sisters room number under your breath, "402..402..402402".

you walk in her room to find your sisters bed empty. You immedately call to one of nurses and he comes running to the room, as he walks in he asks you in a concerned tone " Are you ok miss?" .

you reply in a furustuated and paniced voice, " I'm Lilith moonshine where's my sister!" He says in a reinsuring voice " Oh so your Mia moonshines sister . she was waiting for you but your grand parents came to pick her up" . You shiver and mutter ," my grand parents died two years ago...".


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