I Swear, We Are Infinite

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August 13,2021

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August 13,2021

The warm, humid air greets me as I leave the office building, starting my lunch break. It was an okay day, aside from assistants running around grabbing coffee for their bosses or top execs trying to appease the many artists that come through the offices for interviews and such. Working for iHeart radio has been nothing of a dream. I get to meet some of my favorite artists and there is always something to do. I am never bored, and it keeps me busy. Distracted from letting my thoughts consume me, and I welcome it.

It's been 2 years since Namjoon, and I broke up and at first it wasn't easy. I cried for weeks straight and did not want to eat. I thought that the vision I had of our lives together meant that we would be together forever. I never thought that after 2 years that I would never see him again. We text occasionally, but it's not the same. I felt like over time that I would get over him and heal. Move on. But I still feel that ache in my heart. The part of me that only he had that I lost the morning he left. I used to have nightmares about our fight, and I would wake up in the middle of night shaking, face full of sweat and breathing short breaths. Over time the nightmares stopped but the ache in my heart remained the same. I try to date it away, read it away, sex it away, but it still lingers. It didn't help that there were dating rumors with him and Wendy from Red Velvet. The constant pics of them together at shows, restaurants, etc. and I'm thousands of miles away nursing a heartache.

So, I focused on work, trying to shun the thoughts and feelings for him out of my mind and it worked for a while.

Until today.

"So, its Friday and your birthday tomorrow, what are you doing for it?" My coworker Ami asks me as we are walking towards a local café to get lunch.

"I didn't really have any plans," I confess. "I was thinking about staying in and celebrating at home."

"What?!" Ami half shouts, earning curious glances from strangers around us. "There's no way that I am going to let you stay at home on YOUR birthday. Let me take you out to dinner."

"Mmmm," I respond unsure about the idea. "Let me think about it."

We walk into a café and we sit down and order our lunches. I look at the tv and see BTS is on the tv for breaking another world record for their album sales. I smile faintly and think about the times I would watch Namjoon write and compose songs for the album and I would be in awe on how serious he took his craft. He would show me little things about making beats and even though I didn't really understand how every worked, I was so tuned in because he was so passionate about it.

"Hello, Earth to Noelle," Ami's voice clouds my thought, interrupting my reverie. "Did you hear that we are interviewing BTS tomorrow?"

"Huh?" I choke, grabbing a glass of water to calm down.

The waiter brings our food and I smile weakly, embarrassed by being caught off guard by the sudden news.

"Uh no, I didn't know that," I finally respond taking a bite of my sandwich.

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