Chapter: 11

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Soooooo, I can't decide whether or not I should make something bad happen, or if Bakugou being in the hospital (again) is enough. I could make a villain attack happen but I dunno. Let me know if I should make something bad happen at the hospital, or anywhere, or if i should just leave it be for now.

Anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter, but don't forget to comment what you think I should do.


3rd POV

As the heroes were walking into the room, they noticed Bakugou was still out cold, but the sight of Bakugou in a hospital bed with no end to his injuries in sight made the pro heroes stiffen and subconsciously flinch. However they kept walking, both pulling up chairs, both waiting until the young boy would awaken, but after hours of keeping guard of the sleeping boy, a thought popped into Aizawa's head. Then his stomach growled, and all of a sudden, two thoughts, completely unrelated, popped into his head.

"Zashi," Aizawa started, but was quickly interrupted.

"Oooo~ knew nickname, I love it," Hizashi said, winking. As if Aizawa was a teen age girl, he turned, flustered as ever. Aizawa didn't know how any teenager could deal with this, so many emotions, too many. He didn't like it, they were too complicated.

"Um- we should probably find a way to alert the students of class 1-A, though they have been sent home by now, seeing as school ended hours ago, but still. Oh, we should probably tell Kirishima about Bakugou's condition as well, they started dating or whatever." Aizawa mumbled the last few words, but who could blame him, it's just, Aizawa thought of the class as his kids, and what parent wouldn't be extremely awkward while talking about one of there kids dating another. It was weird. Even if they didn't think of each other as brothers, even if they weren't brothers, it was still weird.

"Yeah, you're probably righ-" Hizashi was cut of by a growl coming from Aizawa's stomach, practically begging for food. Aizawa could tell Hizashi was trying to hold back a laugh as Aizawa ducked his head in embarrassment. "Maybe we could get some food while we're out." Hizashi had managed to get his laughs out of the way as he said that. But instead of it lightening the mood like Hizashi had wanted it to, Aizawa's head snapped up, almost in a defensive manner, at what Hizashi had just said.

"I'm not leaving." Aizawa said, like a stubborn child.

"Then who is going to tell Kirishima about Bakugou. I dont have the same bond you guys have. Plus it's clear you need a break, you have been up for, like, 3 nights now, taking care and worrying about this kid. I haven't seen you eat a wink of food in that time either, come on. You need it. Bakugou will be fine." Hizashi pleaded. He wasn't wrong either, Aizawa hadn't eaten, nor slept, in days. He had been worried, so worried that his normally crappy schedule was basically dust.

"I-i was hoping.. you would maybe.. tell Kirishima.." Aizawa tried.

"Nope, come on." Hizashi said, just as persistent as Aizawa. Aizawa was a great guy, always protecting the people he loved, putting everyone, even people he didn't know, before himself, but the path he was going down, no eating, sleeping, resting, he would work himself to death.

"No- I can't." Aizawa said, obviously on the brink of tears. "Its all my fault this happened, I had told him to stay home in the first place. Even though I partially knew something was going on, I did it anyway, convincing myself that I was doing the right thing, letting Bakugou rest. Look at him now! Him staying home all day probably only made it worse-" Aizawa, once again, broke out in tears, not being able to finish his rant. It was clear he had taken the responsibility of everything that had happened.

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