Chapter: 13

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3rd POV

"Well great, he passed out, what are he supposed to do? We can't do what Dabi is asking and even if we could, he destroyed half the hospital, which Kirishima clearly needs. The closest one is about 30 minutes away!" Present Mic whisper yelled in Eraser Head's direction. Eraser Head, however, wasn't listening. He was trying to formulate a plan, but all of them ended in one of the boys getting hurting.

"Present Mic, get Bakugou out, there are a few nurses and doctors still out there, and Bakugou still needs help, he is still injured." Dabi stood, trying to protest.

"Now, that's against the rules. Not until you meet my demands do they get to leave-" Aizawa cut Dabi off from his, almost, temper tantrum.

"There was nothing in the deal about Bakugou, you were only talking about Kirishima. Mic. Go." Aizawa said, though he was trying to keep his cool. Not fighting in this situation was getting to Aizawa, he didn't know what to do. He was helpless. Unless..

Aizawa started pacing back and forth, or he tried to make it look like that. He really just needed to get close enough to the knife so he could grab it. Then Aizawa would have no trouble erasing Dabi's quirk, he would be out of weapons.

Aizawa put his hands to his head, trying to make it look like he was stressed out while still pacing. Clearly it was working because Dabi laughed as he said, "Hah, finally admitting defeat, maybe I don't need the League Of Villains, maybe I can do this on my own."

Aizawa finally came close enough, he grabbed the knife in one swift motion, erasing Dabi's quirk. "There, damnit you're defenseless, hand over Kirishima!"

Dabi reached into his pocket, "Do you honestly think I'm that dumb, if I had one knife I would've put it back in my holsters. Idiot." Dabi pulled out a second knife, a hunters knife about 9 inches long, though it was only a guess on Aizawa's part.

Aizawa was getting desperate, losing his cool, he truly couldn't think, he didn't know what to do, "Here, I can give you the pleasure of watching and making a decision. Where should I stab him, an arm? Or a leg? Maybe the stomach, of course I would heat the blade, I can't have my hostage bleeding out on me, now can I, but it would still hurt like hell." Aizawa was paralyzed.

"Whaddya say? If you don't choose I will~" Dabi said in a sing song way.

This isn't the same Dabi from when we first meant at the summer camp, he's more talkative, he's putting more thought into his plans. This isn't good. The League Of Villains changed him.

"Ok, right arm it is." Before Aizawa had time to react, Kirishima's right arm had a 9 inch blade plunged to the hilt in it.

That's when Aizawa snapped. He ran at Dabi, grabbing Kirishima, setting him down, he knew Mic would know want to do when he got back. Afterwards he ran at Dabi.

"Do you know how many of my students have gotten hurt because of me? Sure, only two bits it's happened time and time again because I wasn't there to protect them. That changes know damnit. Don't lay a finger on him, you bastard." Aizawa yelled, blinded with rage. His attacks were sloppy, he wasn't fighting with his rage beside him, he was letting his rage take control, so yeah, he wasn't as good, but it was still effective. He landed some good blows on Dabi. Aizawa was doing fine, until he needed to blink.


Aizawa tried to hold out as long as possible.




He blinked and just like that Dabi had his fire.


Mic was running around, pushing the gurney with him, trying to find an available nurse or doctor that wasn't already attending to damage outside.

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