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I watched the casket as it was lowered down into the ground. My best friend was gone and I left him with such horrible words to remember me by. What the fuck kind of friend am I? As soon as my mom told me what happened, I ran to the Taylor house. I pounded on the door until they let me in. I couldn't see the body because it was at the doctor's place. As soon as Max wasn't responding, they took him there to see if Dr. Bluewater could do anything or even Dr. Market, but they both pronounced him dead upon arrival. Unable to carry him home, they left him in the care of the doctors and then tried to call me.

I told them what happened and asked how Max could be dead. I hadn't heard from him in weeks but that was also because of the whole killing my phone thing. They seemed very upset about that and showed me the text that Max had sent to me. I read it and I felt like I was suffocating the more I read. He was begging for me to please be his friend again, that he had no one else to understand him. He apologized about eight million times and used the crying emoji so many times it was annoying, but it was full of Max's deepest emotions. The emotions he felt he could never express to his parents, emotions that no one else wanted to understand... It was almost pitiful and I had to put the phone down and go throw up because of how much it hurt me that I couldn't be there for him.

Then they showed me the texts that transpired between him and Kole. I had to hand the phone back to them because I was about to shatter it in my hand. They told me what happened to Max, how it was staged, who did it... It was like they were talking behind thick glass and all I heard was muffling. All I could see was red and I was shaking with anger and rage. I wanted to kill Kole. I wanted to murder Dawaen. I wanted to strangle them with my bare hands. They used the contents of a text I never got to see in order to take advantage of someone as emotionally unstable as Max probably was and then- then they had the audacity to use me as a way to lure him out while he was vulnerable?

And now, as I watch my best friend get lowered into a dirt hole that asshole Kole has the gall to show up here? After what he fucking did to Max? I am truly and honestly floored that he showed his face here. The only good thing I was happy about was that the Taylors and any others who cared were so beside themselves regarding the occasion that they didn't see this spider amongst us. I would rather they not see that piece of shit and I swear to god if that motherfucker comes near me, he'll be buried with Max in that hole.

As much as I wanted to punch him and see him fall six feet underground, I sadly couldn't do it with such grief going on around here. The Taylors had enough to deal with than me committing murder at their son's funeral. But, that dillhat sure had a way of making things difficult. As I tried to be with my friend for one god damned minute by myself, who comes waltzing up?


"You have to have the biggest balls in the world to come over here and speak to me." I snarled, not wanting to look at him.
"He was my friend too."
"Apparently for the amount of time it took for Dawaen to beat the shit out of him, he wasn't." I clenched my fists. "I swear to God, if I have to look at you..."
"I came to say I was sorry... I should have never even agreed to anything that happened. I don't know what came over me. I mean..."
"Run away."
"I said run away."
I finally got enough of my emotions under control that I was able to look over at Kole without immediately connecting my fist to his face.
"Because as of right now, there have to be angels holding me back from committing a murder here at this funeral." I seethed. "I hope that you get everything that you deserve for what you've done."
"But I didn't do anything-"
"That's right. You did nothing. I hate Dawaen with the passions of a thousand suns, but I think I hate you even more. Dawaen may have hurt him physically, but you..." I finally turned away from him, so angry I could just grit my teeth into ash. "Get away from me, Kole, before I get a hold of you and throttle you."
"And Kole?" He turned to me as I turned to him as well. "If you even come near me, I have no idea what I'll do. Keep your distance."
Kole nodded in understanding but I don't think he thought I was serious.

The Oddities of Grand Marquis - Book 2: Bully Breeds🪼 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now