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The air was filled with red lights flashing and alarms blaring as the ship announced it was on high alert. An intruder had boarded the ship... or not. Well... I guess I could be considered an intruder since I wasn't exactly invited onto the ship and such... whatever the case, that's what we were going with. Zylith crouched down in front of us as some blobs passed by and looked at us.

"This is where I have to leave you guys to go by yourselves."

"How are we supposed to navigate this place? We can't read alien." Dawaen growled.

"Keep looking for this symbol." She said, holding up a piece of paper with a weird looking symbol. "It's the symbol for the flight deck. I'll try to meet you over there so that I can get the door opened. Only an Elbaskin can get it open so... I have to act like I'm joining the fight."

~Location pinpointed.~

"What was that?"

Zylith looked at her wrist and her eyes widened. "Oh my god..."



"What about him?" I growled.

"I put the old blood into the system like you asked me to but it didn't turn up any results... at least I thought it didn't. I don't think I took it out of the scanner and I guess it kept running. It shows Max's DNA has a match."

"Is it moving? I mean, it's not grabbing up Kasai is it?"

"No... it's stagnant."

"Tell me where it is."

"Dude, Kole and I are not waiting for you. We've been too long on this ship as it is." Dawaen hissed.

"Fine. Go without me. I'm not leaving here without Max."

"You have to, Mars. There's not enough time-"

"Tell me where he's located." I snarled, grabbing Zylith's shirt. "I'll go rescue him my-fucking-self!"

"Let him do what he wants. We don't have time to argue over this."

Zylith sighed and pressed her little watch thing and then made a face.

"This can't be right."


"Is says that he's in the lab..."

"In the lab? You mean the one you've been in all this time?"


"Are you sure the stupid thing didn't detect it's own blood sample?" Kole asked, looking skeptical.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"That's what it says..."

"Fine. I'll go and find him. Kole, Dawaen, go to the flight deck. I'll meet you there."

"We're not waiting for you." Dawaen said.

"I know. I don't expect you to. If the opportunity arises for you to leave without me then do it. Go home."

He nodded and we split up.


Zylith had to act like she was taking me somewhere as a prisoner as she went towards the front of the ship. We finally got to the lab door and she let go of my wrists.

"Here's the lab..."


"Mars, what if it is a malfunction?"

The Oddities of Grand Marquis - Book 2: Bully Breeds🪼 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now