Hello! I am so very happy for the (0) people who read this piece of crap! I'm updating today because I have free time!!!! YAY!!
I also feel that POV change is needed because even though we all can read leetspeak, complete crap is kinda hard to understand. So enjoy my new favorite character (not in homestuck, but in RAINY DAYS), ARADIA!! (She is not my patrontroll, btw)Picture is what aradia kinda looks like. Just draw her hair and her horns added, and then you'd get everything perfectly.
If it wasn't clear before, Aradia in this version is a ghost (Sprite) frog. She only speaks in ribbit so (almost) no one around her can actually understand what she is saying, but she doesn't know that.ARADIA P0V:
I geddup and f0ll0w my (s0rta) h0mie, Rain. I'm a fr0g, she's an Iguana. The friendship just s0rta happened. The fr0g head just s0rta t00k 0ver the appearance when I was pr0t0typed and I've been fr0ggy ever since, but I d0n't hide my badrash upgrade like Rain hides the 0bvi0us. (Why d0es an Iguana where a wig?)
I was stuck as this badrash fr0g thing since Equius never g0tta round t0 finishing his freaking s0ulb0t. I was like "What up, br0. Y0 finish my thing?" and he was like "Blah blah blah no blah blah problems." and I knew that he w0uld never finish it, s0 I was like, "Imma kill y0u n0w. N0 hard feelings brah." His bl00d sprayed everywhere, but I feel it was appr0priate f0r this timeline. Anyways! 0ne less f0r the blue team.
Rain l00ks at me with a s0rt 0f h0pe in her eyes. I think she th0ught the bunny was f0r her as a matesprit gift 0r s0mething. I'm n0t 0ne to judge (being a badrash fr0g and all) but J0hns g0t s0me pr0blems if he likes a lizard.
We're ab0ut t0 enter Gamzee and J0hn's r00m, but being the nice h0mie I am, I try to talk d0wn the little squirt.
ARADIA: Br0, this is crazy. Is there like s0me drugs 0r s0mething that can change y0 mind?
RAIN: Tans you're so nice.
ARADIA: What did I flipping say that was nice? Maybe I sh0uld drug y0u in y0ur sleep, then talk s0me sense int0 ya.
RAIN: You're the right. This is a good idea.
ARADIA: I was j0king ab0ut drugging y0u in y0ur sleep. N0 way am I t0uching t0uching drugs. I'll just get it all slimy, and I can't use it anym0re. At least n0t earth drugs. I w0ner if we have s0p0r?
RAIN: I dont htink Gamzee fels that way abut you.
ARADIA: Thats it. I'm slipping s0p0r in y0ur drink. What ever.
Rain 0pens the d00r that reveals Gamzee. J0hns n0t there, but he left Casey there. Librarians are g00d for wigglers. Especially a librarian that d0es s0p0r. I sh0uld chill with him s0metime. Rain d0es crazy things t0 my head, and I mean b0th 0f them.
GAMZEE: what brings you here? I DON'T HAVE YOUR MONEY!
ARADIA: I aint here f0r da m0ney y0u 0we me. We'll c0ver dat later. This little bucket filler just wants t0 set y0u up with Dave.
RAIN: Hiya!
GAMZEE: why would you want to do that? I HATE HIM!
ARADIA: Hey. Hey, calm d0wn. I didn't tell her n0thin', she scurried up t0 me and came up with this 0n her 0wn.
GAMZEE: that makes sense. BUT WHY DID SHE CHOOSE ME?
ARADIA: Man, I d0nt kn0w.
RAIN: Come on Gamzee! You need to come and love Dave!
GAMZEE: why does Dave need love? IS HE HURT?
RAIN: Emotionallly!!!!
RAIN: No! John loves me, but Dave loves John! IDK what to do!
ARADIA: (Sighs) D0 y0u hear this lusus man0r? D0 ya see what I have t0 deal with?
Gamzee l00ks at Rainb0w thoughtfully. That's what librarians are supp0sed t0 d0. Be th0ughtful and shih tzu. He was always a great librarian, I can't imagine an0ther timeline where he wasn't (N0t that I ever b0thered t0 learn 0ther timelines, I aband0ned my title as her0 0f time al0ng time ag0). Either way, Gamzee always had a thirst f0r kn0wledge and he wasted all his nights when he c0uld have been d0in' badrash stuff with me. Instead he was learning all the languages s0 he c0uld 'understand m0re'.
Gamzee patted the little 0ne 0n the head and said "of course i'll visit dave. I DON't LET A HATEFRIEND IN NEED DOWN.
HumorCrazy things happen in a Rainy Day, especially with an insane Iguana and gangsta Frog Aradia are leading the way. With the help of Surfer John, Librarian Gamzee and other wacky Homestuck characters, nothing can stay in their way.