Where it began.

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Later that night we were eating dinner. When grandma Ruby gave me and Harper the keys to her car to go into the city.
Grandma Ruby:Since you girls are new in town I thought I'd let you borrow the car for the night.
Grandma Ruby:I saw there was a band playing tonight so I got you girls two tickets to the concert.
Taylor:What band?
Grandma Ruby:I think it's new hope something.
Taylor: Ah grandma don't get her started.
Harper: That's my favorite band like ever!
Taylor: She never shuts up about it.
Harper:They are amazing!
Harper:Taylor you don't even know anything about them.
Taylor:I know enough to know that I'd rather stay here with Grandma and Grandpa.
Grandma Ruby:Taylor just go out tonight and try to have fun if you don't like it...you can stay with us for the rest of the trip.
Taylor:Ok I guess it won't hurt to try

We pull up to the venue and there are over a hundred screaming fans outside.

Harper:ok lets go.
Taylor: ok but I think I'll stand more towards the back.
Harper: well I'm going to try and get as close to the front as possible.

I find a spot in the back of the building. I couldn't see the stage at all.

I had a terrible headache so I walked outside of the venue.

I sat outside and wrote in my song book until the concert was over.

The concert ended so I waited outside for Harper for about 45 minutes.

I was tired of waiting so I walked back inside the venue to see if I could find her.

The building was empty.

I couldn't find Harper or really anyone else.

The stage still had stuff on it but the room was empty.

I walked up onto the stage and looked out into the empty room.

I couldn't even imagine singing in front of a packed building like this one.

I took out my song book closed my eyes and began to sing.

I just imagined singing in front of a crowd.

But I'm too shy to ever actually do it.

Then all of a sudden I heard someone clapping.

A boy appeared from the left side of the stage.

Taylor:I'm sorry I was just leaving.
Boy:No it's ok.
Boy:I liked it.

He spoke with an accent...a British accent.

Taylor:I was just messing around.
Boy:If that's what you call messing around I'd love to hear you try it for real.
Boy:What's your name?
Taylor:I'm Taylor...Taylor Grey.
Boy:Hello Taylor, I'm Blake...Blake Richardson.

He reached his hand out for me to shake it.

As I was walking to shake his hand I tripped over a cord and fell.

The papers in my book went everywhere.

So much for trying to act cool.

Blake:Wait let me help you with that!

He helped me pick my papers up.

We made eye contact will both reaching for the same paper.

He had beautiful brown eyes.

Taylor:Um..thank you I appreciate it.
Blake:It's no problem.
Taylor:Well if you'll excuse me I really need to go find my sister.
Blake:Would you like some help?
Taylor:Oh no you don't have to.
Blake:No please, I want to.
Taylor: ok

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