Chapter 23

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I wake up from hibernation feeling... a lot better actually. I'm not in as much pain and I'm not as tired. Hibernating helped me a lot. I'm assuming doctors took care of me. I don't know what they did but I do know they were able to do it without any problems cause I was hibernating. I look down at the mattress on the floor and see a pile of seven sleepy skeletons rubbing their eye sockets as they try to wake up. "DiD yOu AlL sLeEp WeLl?" I ask.
Nightmare nods. "Best sleep I've had in a long time."
The other Sanses nod in agreement.
"I'll have to ketchup on your notes later." Medic says.
All the skeletons burst out laughing at the pun, with Error coughing and laughing at the same time.
I laugh while trying not to dive into a coughing fit. "I fEeL a LoT bEtTeR. tHe DoCtOrS aNd NuRsEs HeRe ClEaRlY kNoW wHaT tHeY'rE dOiNg. I'm NoT iN aS mUcH pAiN aNd I'm NoT aS tIrEd." I say.
"That's good." Medic replies. "You can go home in a couple of days. We still need to run some tests to make sure you'll be able to handle leaving and you need to have your first visit with the therapist."
I start shaking, bones rattling slightly, at the mention of medical tests. The last time they did tests it resulted in my arm getting broke. It's still in a cast.
"Error. Look at me. You'll be okay. We'll be right there with you." Dream says as he pulls out an orb. "Also, I need you to crush this orb. You aren't as bad as I thought nor emotionless so I'm giving you the rest of your positive emotions back."
Right at that moment Red portals into the room. "What's this I heard about something going on with Error?!" He exclaims.
"Red?" Dream asks, clearly confused. "What are you doing here?"
"I joined the Bad Sanses. No one in the Good Sanses treats me equally because of the type of universe I come from so I went to a group that'll accept me for who I am. I just don't live with them cause of Boss. If I left, Boss would hunt me down and dust me." Red says with a shudder.
The seven skeletons stand up and get off the mattress, nodding in understanding.
I grab my knitting supplies and finish the jackets I made for the others. "I hAvE gIfTs FoR yOu." I say. I watch as the others put their new jackets on.
Nightmare's jacket is black with blue stripes on the sleeves. Horror's jacket is blue with red spots to look like blood. Dust's jacket is dark blue with grey spots to look like dust. Killer's jacket is grey and fades to red with a black stripe in the middle. Red's jacket is black with two red stripes in the center going all the way around the jacket.
My ears twitch and my tail swishes around as I get used to moving them again.
"When did you get ears and a tail?" Red asks.
"I knitted new clothes and the ears are on the hood and the tail is on the back of my jacket. I can control them with my magic and I can somehow hear out of the ears. I also have a winter hat with cat ears on it." I say.
"After a battle at the mansion Error made the scarves we're wearing and we know he doesn't knit new things for himself so we went out and bought him knitting supplies. Those are the only clothes he's knitted though." Horror says.
  "I see." Red says. "I take it Ink attacked?"
  "Yeah." Dust says. "The only reason we lost is because he knocked us all out. Error got rid of him then tended to our wounds and made these scarves for us."
  "I would've loved to participate. Had I not been busy with Boss." Red says. "Too bad there isn't a way to get rid of him." He mutters.
  I overhear what Red says and smirk. "I cAn DeStRoY yOuR AU. yOu AnD tHe GaNg wIlL hAvE tO hElP. tHeN yOu CoUlD lIvE wItH uS." I say as I crush the orb, regaining my positive emotions completely.
Red looks down at the ground, contemplating the information he's just received. He looks up again with a worried look on his face. "But Boss will kill all of you then he'll kill me! And what about Ink?! When he senses us destroying an original he'll be on us in a SOUL beat!" He exclaims.
"ThAt StUpId InK bLoT iS iN a CoMa. AnD i'M sUrE dReAm WoN't StOp Us. OnCe I tElL hIm AbOuT tHe BaLaNcE tHaT iS." I say.
"What balance are you talking about?" Dream asks.
I sigh before I begin my lengthy explanation. "ThErE aRe ThReE bAlAnCeS. yOu KnOw AbOuT tWo. ThE bAlAnCe BeTwEeN pOsItIvItY aNd NeGaTiViTy AnD tHe BaLaNcE bEtWeEn LiFe AnD dEaTh. ThErE iS a BaLaNcE yOu DoN't KnOw AbOuT. OnLy BlUe, DuSt, KiLlEr, HoRrOr, CrOsS, nIgHtMaRe, MeDiC aNd MySeLf KnOw AbOuT tHe LaSt BaLaNcE. tHe BaLaNcE bEtWeEn CrEaTiOn AnD dEsTrUcTiOn."
"FaTe CrEaTeD iNk. ShE wHiSpErEd ThE bAlAnCe To InK bUt He DiDn'T hEaR hEr. ThE mUlTiVeRsE fIlLeD uP wItH AUs QuIcKlY. fAtE nOtIcEd ThE bAlAnCe WaS bEiNg ThReAtEnEd AnD iNsTeAd Of ReMiNdInG iNk AbOuT tHe BaLaNcE sHe ChOsE mE. i CaN't EvEn RemEmBeR mY pAsT bEfOrE mY fIrSt DaY iN tHe AnTi VoId. ShE cReAtEd VoIcEs AnD hAs ThEm ScReAm At Me."
"SoMeTiMeS tHeY sCrEaM aBoUt ThE bAlAnCe. MoSt Of ThE tImE tHoUgH, tHeY sCrEaM hUrTfUl ThInGs At Me. I eNdEd Up GoInG iNsAnE. bLuE's ThE oNe ThAt HeLpEd Me ReGaIn My SaNiTy AfTeR i ToOk HiM tO tHe AnTi VoId A fEw YeArS aGo. ThAt'S wHeN i FiNaLlY bRoKe DoWn AnD tOlD hIm AbOuT tHe BaLaNcE."
"tHe MulTiVeRsE iS lIkE a ChOcOlAtE mIlKsHaKe. It HaS a LiMiT. wHeN aN AU iS cReAtEd It AdDs MoRe To ThE cUp ThE mIlKsHaKe Is In. ToO mAnY AUs AnD tHe CuP oVeRfLoWs. ThE AUs WoUlD tOuCh EaCh OtHeR aNd DeStRoY eAcH oThEr. If ThE oRiGiNaL gEtS dEsTrOyEd It WoUlD bE tHe EnD oF tHe MuLtIvErSe. ThE oNlY sUrViVoRs WoUlD bE iNk AnD mYsElF."
"I had no idea." Dream says. "I'm so sorry Error!"

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