Chapter 1: Rain

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Kaminari found himself looking at Jirou more often lately. The way she smiled when talking with friends, her expression when she met a difficult math problem, the way her hair frizzed up one humid day. He'd seen it all, and wasn't sure what his heart was thinking.

No, he was positive he didn't like her. How could he? She was Jirou, someone he had never even dared to think of as something more than just a friend. He'd had brief crushes on almost all of the girls in class, but his thoughts never strayed to think about the girl sitting next to him.

I mean... she was kinda cute. Pretty, too. But no. The thought of it was crazy.


He snapped out of it and met eyes with none other than Her. Capital h.


Jirou flicked her pencil onto his paper, leaving a dark mark. "You've been spacing out for the past five minutes. You should study."

Kaminari tried to erase the lead, but it still stuck. He let his head fall onto the giant table, ignoring the pain in his forehead. "I don't get it..." he whined.

Jirou snorted. "Look alive, Jammingway."

"I'm sorry, I must have done badly explaining it," Yaoyorozu apologized.

Kaminari felt the glares of the study group on him, Jirou's being the strongest. He snapped his head up from the table.

"No no no, it's not your fault!" he exclaimed, waving his hands around for emphasis. "Your explanations really helped!"

"The test is Friday, dude," Sero told him from across the table, munching on a scone Yaoyorozu had brought them.

Kaminari sighed. "I know."

"We can't afford to do as bad as last time," Mina groaned. "But these study sessions have really helped, thanks Yaomomo!"

Yaoyorozu smiled. "Thank you."

Jirou was finally pleased and went back to finishing math problems instead of shooting daggers at them.

When she pressed her lips together and scrunched her nose, Kaminari knew she had met a tough one.

"Oh, it's already four," Ojiro noticed.

Kaminari stretched his arms and back out and grabbed his bag. "Guess we should head out -- thanks again Yaomomo!"

"My pleasure!"

The study group said their goodbyes and left the Yaoyorozu estate. Once they reached the sidewalk after a long trip from the mansion, the group split into two and walked in seperate directions to their own houses.

Mina, Sero, and Ojiro were in one group, leaving Kaminari and Jirou to walk back home together.

Kaminari and Jirou walked side-by-side. Their arms touched for a second, causing Kaminari's heart to do a leap in his chest.

"I've just gotta ask, since I'm tired of watching it play out. Uraraka likes Midoriya back, right?" he asked.

"I can't say," Jirou said. "It's bound to secrecy."

"So she does," Kaminari grinned.

Jirou laughed. "Don't you dare tell anyone else."

"Why not? They could use a push in the right direction. How long has it been going on for now?"

"Since the beginning of the year, basically."

"Wait, that long?!"

"Man, you really are dense."

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