Chapter 7

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"So, what was your lead, Debbie?" Andrew said as he helped himself with some pepper to sprinkle over his sunny-side up egg.

It was eight in the morning when David, Andrew, Debbie and Anezka met up at the restaurant for their breakfast.

"So, I was just guessing but, what if this wasn't actually a murder?" Debbie suggested. 

"Huh? What do you mean by that?" Anekza asked in confusion.

"I think she's trying to see the case with different scenarios." David said while sipping on his coffee.

"Yes, so what if Mr.Tim was having some problems of his own, so he committed suicide?" Debbie guessed.

"Yeah, that can be the case, since the room was closed from the inside and only a person with the spare key, or the master key can open it." David agreed.

"But there's still a few pieces that don't fit the puzzle. Like, is Julia even related to this case or her going missing is a total different case? And where are the missing atifacts and money?" Anezka questioned.

"Is this a murder or not?" Andrew murmered.

"Well you do have a point, Anezka. That's why I decided to pass on this scenario." Debbie said.

"So, what's the next?" David asked with a voice full of curiosity.

"So next, what if Julia is the victim? Suppose she was just passing by the room when she saw the murder coming out of the room, but before she could call for help, the murder blacked her out by smashing a glass aboject on her." Debbie guessed again.

"And the glass object could have been one of the precious artifacts which he/she had stolen!" Andrew exclaimed, beaming happily with joy.

"Well, if the glass pieces are still there and incase we find a few drops of blood near them, then we can do a DNA test to see if it's Julia's blood, and then we will have to start looking for clues to prove our theory." Debbie said as she ate the last bite of toast on her plate.

"Well then, let's hurry!" Anezka replied.

After breakfast, they all raced down the stairs to room 02.

"Okay so, where are the glass pieces?" Debbie asked Anezka as they reached the front of the door of room 02.

"Well, they were supposed to be here in this corner." Anezka said pointing to the corner of the door.

"Yeah, but it's not there!" Andrew exclaimed.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here?" A voice behind Andrew suddenly spoke up.

"Aaah!" Andrew shrilled.

"It's okay! It's just me!" John said with a smile.

"Oh, it's you John. For a minute I thought that I was gonna faint." Andrew said.

He wasn't the type to get scared easily, but maybe the murder had got to him.

"So, do you want to go in?" John asked as he held up a master key.

"We can?" Debbie asked.

"Of course, you can! You are solving the case too, so I'm pretty sure that most of the people will co-operate with you." John said.

"What do you mean by that?" David asked.

"By what?" John asked in a visible confusion.

"Most people..... " David asked.

"Well, Mr.Malfoy was in jail for a murder case, and he was released a few days ago, but since the time he was released, he never spoke much about anything to anyone." John replied.

"So you think that he won't co-operate?" Debbie asked.

"I don't know for sure. You can always try." John replied.

"Okay, we'll see to that. John, last night there were some glass pieces here right?" Anezka asked John in a serious tone.

"I have no idea. Maybe the cleaners swept it?" John suggested.

"So, is the room swept?"

"We haven't allowed the cleaners to clean the room incase the police wanted to do some inspections." John replied.

"Only the blood on the floor was mopped and the corridors are swept and mopped early in the morning." He continued.

"Okay so, can we go in?" Andrew asked.

"Sure, just let me get the master key." John said as he went behind the reception desk and came to the group in a few minutes.

"Here you go." John said as he gave the master key to Debbie.



With a creaking sound the door slowly opened.

"Let's remove our shoes, just incase the police comes for further inspection. They might be confused if they see so many shoe prints." Andrew said.

Everyone entered the room with their shoes off. Anezka was the last one to enter and as soon as she entered, Andrew who was in front on her took a step behind.

"Woah! Ouch!" Anezka shrilled as she steped aside in one of the corners of the entrance of the room.

"What happened?" Nancy yelled as she whirled around to see Anezka whining.

"There are glass pieces here, and I got cut on the same toe as before.... " Anezka said as she limped towards to bed.

"This time, it looks deeper!" Andrew said as he frantically searched the drawers for bandages.

"Wait a minute, there's blood on these glass pieces." Debbie said as she inspected the pieces.

"It's are probably Anezka's." David said as he looked around the room.

"No, these aren't hers.... " Debbie said in a firm tone.

"Huh? How do you know that its not hers? And if it isn't then, whose is it?" David asked Debbie while staring at the glass pieces and then back at Debbie.

"Well, I know that its not Anezka's blood because......"

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