Chapter 12

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Days passed, and the group didn't have any luck in finding any possible way to take out a body. Luna still hadn't budged from her statement, that she didn't kill Mr.Tim.

On the 5th day after the murder, the group decided to meet Luna, who was in prison for the time being.

"Thanks for dropping us John! It won't take long." Debbie said, as she shut the car door behind her.

Officer Mildred and Officer Nelson were waiting for them. Then, they led the group to a small room, where only   a table, and 2 chairs were visible. On one end of the chair, Luna sat, with a depressed look on her face, bags below the eyes, as if she hasn't slept for days.

"Hi. How are you doing?" Anezka asked Luna, in a soft voice full of empathy.

Without returning the greeting, Luna said, "YOU HAVE TO HELP ME!" as she broke down into tears. "PLEASE BELIEVE ME!" She exclaimed.

"Calm down. Even we realized that there's something missing here. I'm not saying that you are clean, because you still are suspicious, but there is a chance that you are innocent." Debbie explained, calmly as Anezka patted Luna's back to calm her down.

David took a seat and said, "Please tell us everything you know about Mr.Tim and if you had any past connections."

Luna sniffed her sobs and said, "I was in love with him."

Everyone was quiet. Some in shock, and some in wait for her to continue.

"We both dated when we were in university, but we couldn't marry each other. He was from a rich and elite family, his marriage was already decided by his parents, and he couldn't refuse them. A few years later, he and Ms.Millie got married." Luna said, with a far away look in her eyes.

"We lost all connection after that, and by God's grace, we met again, in that resort. It's true, I went to his room before he died, but I only went there to ask him, if he still loved me, or not, because for all these years, I've never stopped loving him. What we had was special and unforgettable. I would NEVER kill the man I loved dearly." Luna finished, with a soft gaze, and a small smile on his lips, as she remembered the good old times.

"Okay, even if we take this as the truth, all the evidence point towards you. The poision in your room is the same which killed Mr.Tim, which anyone can have access too, since you never lock your doors, and-" Anezka was saying before she got cut off.

"Huh? Never lock my doors? I'm sorry but you've mistaken something. I always make sure to lock my door, since I know that there are many confidential things regarding my work." Luna said firmly.

"Wait, what? But a few days ago, moments before you were arrested, me and Debbie went to your room, to search for you, and your room door was open." David said questioning her.

"That's impossible, there's not a single day that I've never checked if my door is locked or not." Luna said, in a voice full of confidence.

Things finally started to fit in place a bit, and they realized that Luna was being framed.

They rushed back to the car, where John was waiting for them, and they quietly sat for the ride, because they knew what they had to do. John asked them some questions about their investigation during the ride, but they didn't answer any of them and said that they had no clues.

"Hurry up! Let's go!" Anezka said, as she rushed up the stairs, followed by the rest of the group.

Soon, they all stood in front of the storeroom, and quickly entered.

"It's the CD of Thursday. Luna leaves for work around 7:00 AM. Keep the ahead CD recordings too, since we don't know when someone entered her room." David said as he took a seat.

They kept every CD of the next few hours next to them, and started to watch the recording.

"Okay so that's Luna, who's leaving at 7:04 AM, and yes, she did check if it's locked or not, and it was locked." Andrew said while observing as Debbie took notes.

They played CDs after CDs, and finally, around 9:00 PM, they saw someone outside Luna's door.

"Wait a damn minute. That's-" Anezka said, her voice raising in an alarming tone.

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