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I stay on my bed for a while, staring at the opposite wall. My mind replays yesterday night's conversation and dreams. Ironically, all my dreams revolved around Dream. Most of the time, I was just confused, staring at his online persona and trying to figure out what I felt. The rest of my dreams were, much to my horror, a universe where he and I were actually together. This is the first time he's made an appearance in them.

I'm not sure if I want him to.

As I stand in the shower, I quietly assess the things that happened last night. My heart leaping not once, but twice, at the thought of Clay. Me blushing when I saw his message. I've never felt this before. Not once in my life, not once after him and I became friends.

As soon as I've gulped down my breakfast, I grab my phone to message Dream, making plans to start working on the next plugin. I discover that he's already sent me a message.



I roll my eyes at his blatant...flirting? Is this flirting?


dream wtf is wrong with you

He's not online right now, so I dump my phone on my dinner table and smile to myself. I banish my confusion, if only for a moment, and allow myself to think of Dream openly. My phone buzzes, causing me to snatch it up again eagerly to look for Dream's response. I'm very disappointed when I see it's just a YouTube notification. It is Dream's video, though, which means he probably stayed up longer than I did editing the video. No, that doesn't make sense. It was probably four in the evening when we said goodnight. Even if we lived in the same timezone, it would be pretty unlikely. I tossed and turned until nearly 1 a.m. trying to sort out my feelings.

I prepare a cup of tea for myself. By the time it's done, I've come to the conclusion that maybe it's just that we are becoming better friends. I nod feverishly to myself. Yes, that's why I've been feeling this. That's why my mind has been wandering all over the place lately, trying to think of ways we can become proper friends.

I think this over and over until I've literally convinced myself. Satisfied, I pour myself a bowl of cornflakes and set to eating it. Then I realise I've left the tea on the countertop. I peer into the cup. It doesn't seem too cold, so I gulp it down and resume eating my cereal.

My phone rings with the Discord call tune. Bad did tell me that he planned on calling me today to play Minecraft for a little while, so I pick it up, shovelling the rest of the cornflakes into my mouth. 

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