Dream Stan

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Dream's eyes immediately go to the scooter leaning on the wall when we step onto my floor. 'Hey, is that the scooter you bought?'

'Obviously not. I found it in a landfill,' I roll my eyes. 'You know where that scooter came from, Dream.' I feel awkward referring to the huge sum of money Dream gave me to spend just because I'm his friend. I start to make a mental list of how many items around my flat were bought because of Dream, then stop trying to do so because, well, it's a lot.

'So are you going to open your door or are we supposed to camp out here?' he asks, and I shake my head quickly and unlock it to lead him inside.

'Well, uh, you don't need a tour guide to know where the rooms are,' I mumble. My flat is pretty small, probably a lot smaller than Dream's in America.

'I like small places,' he says, sensing my discomfort.

'I hate small places,' I say. Thankfully, my sitting room is clean for once. I point to my left. 'That's the kitchen.'

I lead him through a door directly across from the front door. 'This is my bedroom.'

I bite my lip, realising that I only have a single bed. 'I'll sleep on the sofa, I guess. You can sleep here.'

He glances at me, smirking. I blush and shrink down a little. He starts laughing and puts a hand on my shoulder, and thankfully doesn't tease me.

'Oh, yeah!' he suddenly exclaims. 'Wait here, I have something for you.'

I look back at him as he pulls something out of his suitcase in the sitting room. He comes back, hiding the thing behind him. 'Take your sweater off.'

'What?' I look at him, taken aback.

He grins. 'Just take it off.'

'I – uh, okay,' I turn around and pull it off, flustered.

'Now close your eyes,' he says, and I obey. I feel him slipping a jacket onto me and zipping it up, and I stand there like a kindergartener. It's warm and comfy and I'm already in love with it. 'Go look in the mirror,' he says.

It's a green hoodie with his silly smiling avatar on one side and the words 'Dream Stan' in lowercase next to it. I press my lips together to hide my amusement.

'Wow, such funny,' I say to his reflection. 'You think I'm going to wear this in public?'


'Right answer.' I run my hand over the smile. 'Thanks.'

He flops down on my bed. 'So, what's there to do in England?'

'Nothing,' I remark. 'What, did you expect me to take you to fairs and amusement parks and circuses?'

'I flew all the way from America to here to at least do something. What's the main attraction in London?'

'Mostly museums,' I say. 'Or are you interested in wax models?'

'No thanks.'

'We have the London Eye, but if we're going there then you're going to pay for the tickets.'

'What's that?' he asks.

'Only one of the largest Ferris wheels on the planet,' I grin, and he immediately recoils.

'Um, anything else non-heights related?' he asks, and I shrug.

'Amusement parks are cancelled, then,' I say. 'Do you want to go to the Buckingham Palace? Visit the residence of the only immortal person on Earth?'

'No,' he groans. 'England is boring.'

'Not our fault you don't like history,' I say, amused. 'I could take you to meet Amelia tomorrow, though. She has a morning shift.'

'Who's Amelia?' he asks, mildly interested.

'Your female clone,' I roll my eyes. The doorbell rings, and I tell him to wait in the bedroom and go answer it.

I pull the door open to see Maya. The guilt that I feel every time I see her washes over me, but she greets me with a smile.

The day after I left her house, I went back to apologise. She accepted it gracefully enough, and was a little crestfallen when I told her that I wasn't really interested in a relationship with her. She agreed after a while to be just friends, though I do catch her trying to convince me sometimes.

'Hi, George. I heard voices, do you have someone over?' she asks, and I nod.

'Yeah, my friend Dre – Clay is here. Do you want to meet him?'

'Okay,' she says, and I yell his name out. He comes out of my room, and I notice Maya's eyes widen a little at the sight of him.

'Is this your girlfriend, George?' he asks, grinning. I groan.

'Dream, meet Maya. Maya, meet Clay, the most annoying person on the planet.'

'More annoying than Amelia?' she asks, looking at Dream.

'More annoying than Amelia.' I confirm. She grins.

'I like annoying people,' she says slyly, and I roll my eyes at her.

Dream laughs. 'Nice to meet you, Maya. Don't listen to George, he spouts complete garbage at some times.'

'And you spout tea kettle noises,' I say. 'Honestly, his laughter is painful to hear.'

Maya smiles. 'The main reason I came over is because Movies24 has Terminator on right now.'

'Why are you so obsessed with movies and watching them with other people?' I say. 'Still, that's a good movie, so I'm not going to complain.'

'You have popcorn, George? I'm not watching unless you have popcorn.' Dream says. I elbow him in the gut.

'No one said you have to watch. Now get out of the way, you're blocking the entire doorway,' I tell him. He rolls his eyes and moves aside.

'Switch on the T.V,' I yell to Dream from the kitchen.

'I don't know what channel it is!'

'For god's sake, Dream, use the guide!' I pull out the popcorn and turn around to see that Maya has already found the pan and lit the gas.

'Is he single?' Maya whispers to me. I roll my eyes, though I do feel a little jealous. Not because Maya is trying to hit on Dream, but more because I'm afraid Dream is going to like her back.

'I don't think so,' I lie. Maya sighs.

'Too bad,' she says. 'Why are half the good-looking guys not willing to date and the other half taken?'

I glare at her. 'That's enough, put the pan on. You're wasting the gas.' 

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