Snow Way Out

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As afternoon arrives, Dream becomes increasingly impatient. He keeps nagging me to prepare for the picnic. I end up yelling at him and tromping off to the kitchen. I told Dream to drop in at the café and get some cake and hot chocolate for us, though my main motive was to get rid of him for a few minutes.

I toast some bread and look for sandwich ingredients. My fridge is mostly empty, I wonder why? Maybe because I never restock it. I find cheese and some mustard and tomatoes, so I start making sandwiches with those.

Dream arrives twenty minutes later.

'Sorry dude, there were a lot of people at the café.' He sets down two bags at the table. 'I also got us some French fries from the McDonalds nearby.'

'Were there a lot of people at the café or were you talking to Amelia?' I ask him, smirking.

He chortles. 'A little bit of both.'

I look through the things he bought. 'What type of cake is this?'

'I bought three types. I didn't know what you liked.' He says, shrugging.

'Well, cake is cake.' I lift the bottle of 'hot chocolate' up. 'I told you to buy hot chocolate, not chocolate milkshake.'

'They didn't have any left, so I just got this. They're basically the same things.' He shrugs again.

'Ugh, fine.'

'How many sandwiches did you make?'

'Six. If you want more than three then I won't judge you because I know you're a pig, but you'll have to make them yourself.'

'Meanie.' He pokes my shoulder and grabs a sandwich.

'You're not supposed to eat that here.' I say as he bites into it.

'I'm hungry. I haven't had anything to eat since morning, and that was just cereal.' He says with his mouth full.

I exhale loudly. 'Fine. You get one less sandwich at the park, then.'

'I'll just make another.' He reaches out and puts two slices of bread into the toaster.

'That's two more. I knew you were a pig.' I snicker and he pouts.

After Dream's made enough sandwiches to satisfy himself, we grab a towel that could serve as a picnic blanket and bundle it all into one bag. We pull our coats on and head for the park. It's quite cold, so you couldn't call it the perfect weather for a picnic, but Dream is weird, so he does. There aren't many people in the park, just a few people talking to each other or jogging. We choose a nice spot under a tree and settle down.

I forget that Dream bought milkshake instead of hot cocoa, so when I pour it into a cup expecting it to warm my fingers up, ice greets my hand. Dream starts laughing at my expression when I pick the cup up, and I reach out to hit him. He dodges me, still laughing.

'At least the sandwiches are warm.' I say, picking one up. Dream holds up his milkshake to me.

'What?' I ask.

'Toast?' he tilts his head to the side. We clink cups and I say 'To life!' at the exact same time he says 'To Minecraft!'

I laugh and bring the cup to my mouth for a sip. The milkshake matches the weather, extremely cold. I wrinkle my nose in distaste and set the cup down.

'Seriously, who told you to buy chocolate milkshake as a replacement?' I groan and he winks at me when he says, 'To piss you off.'

'You do that all the time.' I bite into my sandwich.

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