day 36

717 38 9

"Happy birthday!!"

(Y/N) screamed as she entered the office, looking around in confusion seeing the small scattered decorations. Confetti popping in her face as soon as she stepped foot inside.

"Aw! That wasn't the right woman! It was the other (H/C) one!"

They all let out a collective 'oh' embarrassed by the mistake.

The woman picked up the strings of confetti, walking over to Jaehee, who was sitting at her desk downing a large coffee and sent her a smile.

"Who's birthday is it?"

"Not sure but she's in our department,  though it's also the anniversary of a big event that happened in the C&R."

She leaned on the desk, one her legs rising up as she grinned.

"Oh? It seems today's going to be pretty exciting~"

Jeahee nodded, placing her coffee down as she adjusted her position. Placing her glasses back on.

"Yes, you seem in higher spirits today."

(Y/N) bounced with a relieved sigh. Head in her hands as she dreamily looked to the side.

"I am! I doubt I'm going to see the director today as he isn't really the big party type so I get to just relax and not have to worry about my emotions."

"I guess that's a positive but you can't stop yourself from making progress."

She rolled her eyes, mocking her friend talking silently before giggling. 

"Yeah yeah~ I know you're rooting for me to be his friend again but he was a big jerk! He deserves the cold shoulder."

A tall figure appeared behind the both of them, the brunette nodded to him in a silent greeting. The younger female looked at her friend before turning to see who it was.

All colour drained from her face as her body instinctively pressed itself against the desk. Gulping as she stared up at the very man she was hoping to stay away from.

"I can agree, I do apologize for my behaviour but I wasn't in the right mindset that day."

"That may be but just because we're at peace doesn't mean things will be fixed." She said, crossing her arms.

Jaehee looked between the two, sensing they needed a moment she excused herself much to (Y/N)s protest and helped the others set up the banners.

The two stood before each other. Neither of them saying a word as they just stared. Rivalling each other until Jumin pointed to the clip in her hair. His features turning soft as he looked at it.

"I see you're still wearing the clip."

"Ah! Y-yeah..."

She was embarrassed she was wearing it. She wanted to give him the cold shoulder and limit their time together due to trying to be more professional but it wasn't as if she wanted him completely out of her life.

She just knew she couldn't avoid him completely as they worked together.

"If that's the most I can get from you then that's good enough to me."

"Why are you here? Is there a report you need or something?"

Her arms crossed over her chest, hugging herself as she looked at the floor. Lips pursing as she felt her body scream for her to leave. Wanting nothing but to yell at him but she needed to be disciplined.

"I wanted to talk to you, as it's the anniversary of this company's biggest deal there will be a picture taken."

"For what?"

She wanted him to get to the point, he wasn't the type to drag out an explanation but she didn't see the point of a picture being taken. What was the point? It was as if they were in school.

He adjusted his collar, growing uneasy at her hostile treatment. Finding her new way of acting uncomfortable. He was the closed-off one. The one that was blunt and built a wall between people.

Their roles were reversed and it wasn't pleasant.

"To show who's stuck with the company, it's a waste of time but the chairman demand's it's kept a tradition."

Something they could both agree on was that was definitely a waste. Neither of them wanting to stay around each other as they could sense the tension rising once again.

"And so you wanted to tell me there's a picture?"

"No, I wanted to ask you to stand beside me during it as you're my close assistant."

She finally looked back up at him. A frown on her face as she kept her annoyed tone.

"Seeing my role it doesn't seem like I have a choice."

He nodded. That was true. But he wanted to get her to trust him again; he shouldn't of let his emotions get the better of him and now he has to watch the aftermath of it.

His emotions ruined their friendship. He cursed at himself mentally, wishing he could just snap this all better.

Jumin did expect the clip to fix it all. Why wouldn't I? Money fixed everything. His whole life his problems have been so easily fixed by his wealth that when it came to something like this he was dumbfounded.

"Perhaps not but I wanted your permission either way."

That made her heart skip a beat. Her face softening. The gesture was sweet and showed he cared.

But there were two things that she was. That was being stubborn and emotional. Her softness immediately hardened as she turned to him. Glaring at him as she raised an accusing brow.

"I bet you'd try to fire me again if I sad no."

"(L/N), I apologized, please stop holding it against me."

When it came to emotions he truly was hopeless.

"With all due respect, I don't care."

The day at the office was definitely eventful. Jumin hiding in his office when it got too noisy, (Y/N) and Jaehee enjoying a slice of cake as they worked. Sam was dancing with the birthday woman at break.

This was the most festive she has seen the office. She was surprised Jumin would even allow this but it could be them taking advantage at how drained he was. Too tired to say anything.

When it came to the picture it was clear there was going to be some stiffness. Everyone was standing each side of Jumin, going from tallest at the back and shortest at the front. Each smiling ear to ear as they stood up straight. Jaehee standing on his right with her hands clasped together, she looked completely serious.

The male had (Y/N) to his left, one arm behind his back and the other was ghosting around her waist, hand inches away from making contact. The young female couldn't stop the racing of her heart at their close proximity but kept her head held high.

Not wanting to break her fighting spirit so easily for a crush.

"Okay~ that's the serious one! Let's do a silly one now!"

Everyone started talking, figuring out what pose to do. Some squishing together to show who they were close to.

The trio of boss and assistants were clueless. All job consumed losers who didn't know how to properly take a picture let alone do something silly without getting embarrassed.

(Y/N) being more outgoing and up to date with social media was finding it easier than the other two. Doing a love sign the idols did, winking to the camera.

Jeahee held up a peace sign. There wasn't much she could think of doing other than smiling.

And lastly, it was the director's turn. He couldn't think of what to do at all. Bored to death by the whole situation but complied. Doing two claw hand motions with a bored expression.

It seemed even at times like these some things didn't change.

დ*°𝒱𝒾𝑜𝓁𝑒𝓉  𝐻𝑒𝒶𝓇𝓉 *°დ{Jumin Han X reader} DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now