Ted's First Crush

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The morning light shines through Ted's bedroom. Ted wakes up to the sound of his alarm clock. He turns off the alaem

The clock reads 7:00am. Ted gets off his bed. He is wearing his light blue pajamas.

He went into the bathroom, brush his teeth, and takes a shower. He uses his favorite body wash, red velvet cake.

After he finishes his shower, he dries himself with a towel. He changes into his school uniform.

He even puts on his small black bow clip on his hair. Ted gets out of the bathroom, grabs his backpack, and heads downstairs.

His dad is in the kitchen, cooking breakfast. He even wears his working uniform. The wall in the kitchen and the countertops are white. The table is light blue. Even the chairs are pink.

His father made omelette, sausage, and croissants. Ted went into the kitchen and sits down on a chair.

"Enjoy your five-star breakfast made by me." His father said as he takes a bow.

Ted takes a bite of his omelette.

"This is delicious, Dad. Chef Gordon Ramsey would be so proud of you." Ted said.

"Thanks Ted!" His father replies as he sits down to eat his breakfast. While they eat their food, his father is starts the conversation.

"What did you guys think of the play assignment?" His father asked.

"Honestly, we didn't like it because the play was unrealistic. So, Kokichi has an idea." Ted said.

"Oh really? Then, what is Kokichi's plan?"

"I can't tell you, Dad. It's a suprise." He giggles.

"Oh come on! I really want to know about his plan." His father said.

"Sorry. Kokichi told me to keep it a secret. You will find out on next Friday." Ted exclaims.

"Well, I don't blame him. I'll definately come to see your play." His father said.

Ted smiles at his Dad. His father is really supportive. He remembered when he came out to his dad that he is gay and his Dad hugs him.

After they finished their breakfast, his Dad will drive his son to school. His Dad makes sure that the door is lock before they leave the house.


His father drops Ted off to his school. As he gets put of the car, his Dad said:

"Have fun at School! I love you."

"I love you, too." Ted said and waves goodbye to his Dad. His Dad waves back at him and left.

Ted goes inside his school. There were a swarm of high school students in the hallway. He found his locker and opens it.

His first class is English. Ted really enjoys his class because he loves reading play books especially the ones written by William Shakespeare.

He grabs two notebooks and the play book called Othello. As he is about to close his locker, someone bumps into him, hard. Ted falls dowm and his things are scattered on the floor.

"Oops! Sorry about that, faggot!" Chad sneers.

Some of the students stop and to watch the commotion happen.

Ted looks up and it was Chad. Along with Chad, there are his goonies, laughing at Ted.

"L-leave me alone." Ted said but he feels like he is about to cry.

"Is the baby about to cry?" Chad laughs, bitterly. He sees  a small toy unicorn attached to Ted's backpack.

Chad quickly grabs his backpack and unclips the toy unicorn. Ted's eye widens in shock and gets up quickly.

"G-Give it back, Chad!" Ted yells. He tries to grab it from him but Chad is taller than him.

Sadly, Ted's height is 4'8".

"Haha! The short fag can't even reach it!" One of the goonie laughs.

Chad tosses the toy unicorn to his friend. Then, he tosses to another friend.

They will playing a game of catch. The short teen tries to catch it but they throw it too quickly.

The students are laughing at this scene. Ted felt embarrassed.

Finally, Chad had an idea. When he got the toy unicorn back, he threw it into the garbage.

"SCORE!" Chad yells as he raises his fist in the air, feeling victorious.

Chad's friends cheers and Ted feels really upset.

Chad and his friends left Ted behind as they went back to their classes.

Ted's eyes starts to water. He went over to the trash can. Luckily, the trash can is not filled with garbage.

Ted got his stuffed toy stuffed unicorn out of the trash can. Then, he went over to pick up his backpack and clips his unicorn to his backpack. He puts his backpack inside his locker and closes it.

That small stuffed toy unicorn is a gift from his late mother.

"Excuse me. Are these your things?"

Ted turns around and sees a boy.

He has short red hair, silver piercings on his ear, and wears a black band bracelet that said, ROCK ON!

The boy has Ted's notebooks and Othello book. Ted's heart starts beating. He had never felt this way.

"Y-yes. T-thank you." Ted said, shyly as he takes his things.

"No problem. My name is Daisuke Abe but you can call me Dai." Daisuke said, smiling.

"M-My name is Ted Campbell." Ted replies.

"Nice to meet ya!" Daisuke said with a thumbs up.

'Oh my god! He is so cute when he does that!' Ted thought, dreamily.

"By the way, can you show me where is Mr.Thompson's class? I'm new to this school." Daisuke explains.

Ted's face lit up when Daisuke said that.

"Sure! I also have the same class as you." Ted said with a smile.

"Sweet! Thank you, Ted." Daisuke replies as he walks along with Ted.

Ted has never fallen in love before. Something special about Daisuke made his heart beat.

"I love the small bow clip on your hair. You look so cute." Daisuke said with smile.

'hdishsksshsnskhssksj! He called me cute!'  Ted thought.

"Thank you. I love cute things. Especially with unicorns." Ted said.

Suddenly, Ted closes his mouth, feeling embarrassed.

'Ack! He going to laugh me because I said that I like unicorns.' Ted thought.

"There's nothing to feel embarrassed about liking unicorns. Besides, unicorns are awesome." Daisuke said.

Ted blushes and smiles at him. Daisuke is his first crush.

Finally, they arrive to their English class on time.

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