Lauren + Noah

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Where the hell is that girl?
Noah thought to himself as he strided around the yard, looking every which way in sure of Lauren. Noah couldn't see her anywhere at first, his first instinct was to check out Zorro's (her horse) stable, but she was still no where to be seen.
"We're going to be late," Noah huffed under his breath, ignoring the bay gelding nuzzling at his shoulder before continuing his search.
"Hey Noah!" a girl called behind Noah, he spun around on his ankles hoping to see Lauren but no such luck, it was just Janey.
"Hi Janey, I don't really have time to chat right now. Have you seen Lauren anywhere?" Noah said gruffly, checking his phone quickly to make sure he wouldn't miss the minivan.
"Why you looking for her? Does someone have a new lady-love?" Janey giggled at Noah, but Noah didn't seem amused.
"I said I don't have time to chat, the minivan is going to be here in five minutes - where is she?" Noah half yelled at Janey, his patience obviously wearing thin.
"Geez no need to yell, use your brain - she's probably with Zorro,"
"Real helpful Janey, you don't think I already checked there?" Noah pushed past the girl, it was clear she wasn't going to be much help to him.

Lauren sighed, staring out across the vast acres of the livery yard, she didn't want to leave this place behind - it was all so beautiful. She glanced at the time on her phone, she was well aware of when she was being pciked up and knew she should probably get going so she didn't miss the minivan, but her heart seemed to yeen for her to stay put.
"There you are!" Lauren flicked her head around to see a very angry Noah glaring at her, "What're you doing out here, go say bye to Zorro and let's get going or we'll miss the van,"
"Oh you know I can't say bye to him, Noah," Lauren said sadly, looking down at her phone which was open to Zorro's 'For Sale' page, with a big red SOLD plastered over it .
"He's a horse, they come and go, just go give him a carrot or something and let's go!" Noah charged off, bee-lining to where they were meant to meet for the minivan. Lauren knew Noah didn't mean that, it had only been a week since he had sold his own mare, Tetra. He didn't show it, but Lauren knew he really loved that horse - he'd had her since he was fourteen. Maybe I should see him, one last time...

Lauren rounded the corner and met eyes with Zorro, he nickered out to her as they locked gazes and began to bang on the door, begging her to come give him a treat or a scratch.
"Oh Zorro," Lauren sighed deeply as she walked up to him, hugging his face and giving him lots of kisses, "I'm sorry I won't be here when they take you away tomorrow, I'll miss you boy," she was determined not to cry - she'd spent too long on her makeup to cry.
"Have a great life, see you again soon Zorro," Lauren smiled as she gave the bay one last treat and one last kiss before she turned around and walked away.

"Finally," Noah huffed as Lauren appeared beside him.
"You don't have to always be so rude Noah," Lauren glared at the boy.
"I'm not rude, I just don't like you that much," He turned away from her, the two had basically grown up together - learning to ride together at the same riding school and always competing against each other; their trainers said the competitivness helped them, and maybe they were right - they did both qualify to become working students at Corner Forest.
"Well learn to like me, you're stuck with me for a while now," Lauren plafully nudged him with her elbow in an attempt to lighten the mood.
Noah grinned a little and looked at her, "You're super excited as well, right?"
"Of course! We might even be able to ride DXM Little Angel!" DXM Little Angel was Lauren's dream horse - a 17hh grey Irish Sport Horse that competed nationally at events such as Badminton and Burghley and even internationally in events such the Kentucky Three Day Event! The only thing she'd change about her would be her gender.
"I much prefer Spoctor Tech, I hope I get to compete him that would be awesome.
As the two continued talking about the horses they knew at Corner Forest, the deep green minivan pulled up in the gravel driveway of the livery yard.
"Our chariot awaits," Noah smirked at Lauren, he went into the nearby tack room and bought out both his and Lauren's luggage and handed it to Adam as he left the van.
"Make yourselves comfortable, we've only got two more stops before Corner Forest," Adam smiled at the two, opening the door for them before going to secure the luggage.

"Hey!" Anna smiled brightly at the two as they entered the van, "I'm Anna and this is Maria," Anna nodded at Maria - who gave a small wave.
"Anna! You're the person who won, right?" Noah smiled at her as he took a seat across the aisle from her.
"Yep! But I think it was more down to my horse Smokey than me, he's a legend!" Anna laughed, Lauren smiled to herself as she thought back to her and Zorro's round - she was going to miss that gelding.
"I'm Noah and this is Lauren," Noah pointed over to Lauren who took a seat nearer the back of the van, "Don't be so rude Lauren, say hello,"
"Hi," Lauren mumbled slightly, she was rather unimpressed by the two girls - Anna didn't look anything like an elite rider and Maria hadn't said a thing since they got on the van.
"I'm so excited to see all the horses, I hope we get to ride today," Anna said, practically vibrating with excitment.
A small chuckle came from the front as Adam got into the van again, "It'll be at least another two hours before we get there, I doubt you'll be riding today,"
"That's a shame," Maria said sadly, "but hopefully we'll get a tour of the place and then get to ride tomorrow instead,"
Lauren stared out of the tinted windows as the van began to drive away from the livery yard, as they went up a small hill before reaching the road Lauren managed to sneak one last look at Zorro poking his head out of the stable before the turned a corner and he was gone.

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