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"Caleb, are you finished yet?" Caleb heard the yard owner call from outside the tack room.
"Almost, just conditioning Pipa's bridle," Caleb said as she applied the last of the conditioner onto the browband and began to reasmble it. It probably wasn't the most glorious way to spend his last day at his stable, but Caleb didn't mind.
"Once you're done can you come down to the wash stall? There's something I want you to check out,"
"Alright," Caleb replied, he had a bit of a reputation for being a handy man due to his dad being a carpenter and teaching him quite a lot of skills as he grew up.

Once Caleb finished washing the bridle, he walked over towards where the wash stall is and turned the corner to see... everyone.
"Surprise!" The small crowd of people yelled, Caleb had his mouth agabe as he looked at the sight before him, they had put up banners saying Congratulations and had bought out Caleb's favourite horse and the one who one him a place at Corner Forest - Popcorn. On Popcorn's dun flank was congratualtions written in purple pony paint and he had some sort of navy jacket draped over his withers.
"You didn't have to do all this for me," Caleb smiled as he walked towards his yard owner,
"Of course we did, this is such a big opportunity for you! And we don't want you forgetting about us when you go round Burghley so we got you... this!" The yard owner grabbed the jacket that was on Popcorn's withers and displayed it to Caleb, it had a big embroidory of him and Popcorn doing cross country at the ODE with Greenhaven Stables written across the top and Caleb Bates + Popping Corn written on the bottom.
"I love it so much, thank you Richard," Caleb gave the man a quick hug and smiled at the other people stood in the wash stall who were mostly his fellow riders from his regular group lessons.
"Make sure not to forget any of us when you're big and famous, okay?" a blonde girl smiled at Caleb, giving him a quick hug.
"Don't worry I won't," Caleb said enthusiastially. He walked over to Popcorn and gave him a pat on the neck, "I think I'll miss Popcorn the most, you're such a good boy aren't ya lad?" He gave him a rub behind the ears. Caleb didn't own Popcorn, in fact he didn't loan him either. Popcorn was owned by Richard, the owner of Greenhaven Stables, but Richard had allowed Caleb to ride Popcorn in his lessons as he had great potential and Popcorn and Richard weren't the best team.
"He'll be waiting for you when you get back, and so will we," Richard gave the dun gelding a slappy pat on the neck and looked down at his watch, frowning slightly, "the van will be here in  a few minutes, you better get going."
Caleb felt his heart sink a bit but he gave Popcorn one last head rub, hugged all of his friends and waved to everyone as he made his way to the car park. He made sure to rub the nose of every horse he walked past on his way out and gave Daisy, a tall grey shire, a big kiss on the nose before leaving the yard and walking towards the pick up point.

As Caleb rounded the corner of the car park he noticed the deep green van already parked in a spot with a man stood outside it on the phone to someone, most likely Richard to ask him where he is. He dashed over to him and said hastily, "sorry I'm late! Got a bit caught up saying goodbye."
Adam looked at Caleb and said to the person on the phone, "Oh yes he just arrived, sorry for the bother, goodbye!" before hanging up. "Hey there, don't worry I jsut had to make sure I was at the right space. I can take your suitcase and you can say hello to the other five, we've got an about thirty minute drive before we get to Corner Forest."
Caleb nodded and walked into the minivan, sitting down behind Mia and smiling at everyone, "Hey, I'm Caleb."
"Hey! I'm Anna and this is Maria, Noah, Mia and Lauren," Anna said very enthusiastically.
"We could of introudced ourselves, Anna," Lauren grumbled.
"Finally another dude! I thought I'd be stuck with five girls for ages!" Noah laughed loudly as the minivan because to rumble and drive off benetah them.
"I'm so excited to see Corner Forest," Maria smiled brightly.
"Me too," Mia agreed, still staring out the window as she had been for most of the ride.
Caleb had been a bit worried about metting the people he'd be with properly, he remembered Anna and Mia vaugley as they'd been in the top three with him, but everyone seemed to be getting along pretty well, well apart from Lauren who hadn't gotten off her phone for the whole journey.

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