Extra: Uncomfortable

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A/N: Chapter takes place months after Kya is blood sworn to Maeve

(Kya's POV)

"Noooo," I cried out as I woke up in bloody sheets. Not only was the pain making me feverish but I had an order from Queen Maeve to leave once the sun rose to go to one of her military camps and play nurse. I didn't mind going before the cramps hit me last night and I hoped that I didn't start one of my rare bleedings.

The pain felt like my womb was being split open as I rolled out of bed and stripped my bed of the sheets. The sun hadn't yet risen so I had time to wash up before changing into a black dress and thick coat. I poked my head outside my door to make sure the hall was clear before running out of my room with my bloody sheets and nightgown in my arms. I ran faster when I heard a bedroom door open.

Wisely, Connall didn't say anything as he watched me bolt into the maid's passageway. I handed my sheets over to be washed and a maid reassured me that they would be scrubbed and dried by the time I returned.

Connall was leaning against his door frame with a bag over his shoulder when I passed him. "Bad time to go to a male filled camp?"

I gave him a deadly glare that made him laugh. I always tried to keep my scent close to my body but my bleedings were different. The scent was a damned horn blaring for all males to come running. I couldn't control the scent when I slept and when I was awake, there was only so much I could do.

"Fen is still sleeping so we'll be on the road a bit late," Connall called out.

I threw my head back and squeezed my eyes shut. This would be absolute torture. Connall going was fine, I liked being around him, but Fenrys...how the hell was I supposed to avoid him? It's as though Maeve knew my bleeding was about to start and sent me and Fenrys on this trip to torment me. Maybe she wanted to see what would happen. I could picture her spider-like smile and it made me want to break something.

I wasn't sure what she knew but she dangled Fenrys in front of me like a piece of meat sometimes, waiting for me to bite so that she could whip me like a dog for touching her male.

Before I could open my door, a door opened at the end of the hall. I pursed my lips as I quickly looked and saw Fenrys step out with a sleepy look and ruffled hair. He almost looked younger, more innocent.

I tensed as he sniffed the air and looked at me holding my door handle. That innocent look evaporated and was replaced with something more hungry. His dark eyes raked down my body and filled with desire. It was enough to make my skin prickle.

I ran in my room and slammed the door loud enough to exclaim that I didn't want his looks. But I did like the way he looked at me, I thought as I pressed my forehead to the door and bit my lip. I was snapped from my thought as Rowan in the room next door hit our shared wall and yelled about slamming doors.

Minutes later, I heard Fenrys clearing his throat outside my door. I didn't move as he spoke in a low voice. He must have known I was standing right there, I flattened my palm against the door. "Maeve just sent me a letter telling me I shouldn't leave your side because of your current circumstance. It'll probably be difficult entering the camp."

"Do I have to go?" I whispered, but I knew the answer. I was afraid. It wasn't long ago that my bleeding had summoned a fae male that scarred me mentally and physically. And now I would be entering a camp with almost a hundred males.

I heard something lightly touch the other side of the door, his voice was just as soft as mine. "I won't let anyone touch you. I swear it."

A smile came to my lips, it was small, but a smile nonetheless.

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