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After Wendy and the Twins did my nails we split up and get dressed. I put on the green-black dress with the shoes we bought yesterday. With my hair and nails are done I feel like a doll. Jade also did my eye makeup, just like the wolves have. I brush my teeth before putting on some dark green shiny lipstick. I put everything I want to take with me in my leg bag, under my dress. I'm not quite wearing the dress yet, because someone has to tie it at the back. I walk down. while holding my dress. "Mom, can you tie my dress?" I turn around and hold my hair to the side so Mom can tie it. "Of course Sweety." she strict my dress very tight, I can't breathe at first until I get used to it. I let go of my hair and turn around. "Tadah" "you look beautiful Sweety" I smiled so you can see my fangs. "Can I take a picture of you?" "Yes of course," I said, taking a nice pose. After we took the photo I saw it was almost 7. "I have to go, I'll be late." I waved to my 'mother' and quickly walked to the meet-up point.

After a while, I see that I am going to be late and decide to run the last bit. I see a whole group of people in weird color dresses and suits. I stop in front of the group and cough briefly, I have to stop trying to run. I walk over to Lizzy. "Am I still on time?" Lizzy turned around and hugged me. "You look so beautiful!" she said. "Yeah, no hugs." I still want to breathe. "Oh yes sorry, forgot." I looked at Lizzy. "You look gorgeous in that dress! It's perfect." "Thanks," she said smiling. "Look at Wendy," she said and turned around. My jaw dropped. She was so beautiful, it seemed that everyone around me was wiped out and I only have eyes for her. Lizzy closed my mouth and I came back from my little daydream. "You'll catch flies." I looked confused at Lizzy "Go to her." she said, almost pushing me toward Wendy. "H.hey." I smiled. Stop being so nervous. I told my self. Before she could say anything, Zed yelled at the group that we are going to the Prawn. So we started walking and scaring some Humans away. I have to admit it feels funny. We stopped short behind a bright pink limo and saw people making comments. Then we continue walking to the pink carpet. There we saw the Acey's and Bucky. "its Zombies.-" "-and werewolves.-" "Informal wear?" "They look good." I heard one of them say. The others gave her a dirty look before Bucky walked over to us. "You guys can't be here. There are laws against this," he complained. "Bad laws are meant to be broken," Zed said. "And monsters don't follow the rules." The girl Eliza said. "Zombies are a part of Seabrook Bucky, and we deserve to be here." "And we are part of Seabrook to. The originals in fact" Wyatt said proudly. "Someone got to stop u," Bucky said and walked towards the Z-Alarm. Willa came in action and scared the hell out of him. We laughed when Bucky yelped. "Welcome to Prawn." he said and left as fast as he could.

After that, we walked in and pretty much claimed a spot. Julia ran to a pretty handsome zombie, good catch. I thought. When a slow song was playing Wendy pulls me to an empty spot on the dance floor, close to where the wolves were. I put my hands on her neck and she put her hands on my hips. We leaned our heads together and moved to the music. "You know, I couldn't even ask if you wanna go to prawn with me. But it seems like that question has already been answered." I smiled. Then suddenly I got a huge headache and the ground started to shake. Wendy pulled me into a hallway and ran after the other werewolves. We slipped to a stop when a hole in the ground formed in front of us. "The energy from the moonstone must have created a fault line. If we follow this crack it may lead us to the moonstone."Zed said. "it's only barely enough destroyed." Addison said good timing, then the crack broke open even further. "We have to get to it." "Quick when we still can," Willa said and jumped into the crack. All the wolves followed her, it was not easy since some girls were wearing heels. But after a while, we arrived at a room with a huge blue glowing stone. The wolves took their mini moonstones and held them against the big one. I quickly picked up my own moonstone from my bag and drawer it. I grabbed the stone of the necklace with my hand, it felt as if my energy was flowing through my body again. It felt great. It got disrupted by another earthquake. "We have to move it out of here." "Legends say that together, our pack can move the stone," Wyatt said. "All of us, lift." Willa command. We did what she said but it didn't work. "It's too heavy," Wynter said disappointed. "There is not enough of us," Willa complains. "Then maybe you need to expend your pack." We heard behind us. Addison and the rest came in. The ground shook again and pieces began to break off the ceiling. "We came here to help, come one everyone. We got this." With everyone's help, we managed to lift the stone. "Hurry before its too late, together. Lift!" But then something fell before the only entrance.

"The chamber is collapsed we cant carry the moonstone trough." As if we hadn't seen that ourselves Wyatt, I thought. "You're Z-band. It's still broken. Zed, take it off. Lift the slab. Zed, you can do this." Eliza said quickly thinking. "I'm not ready, what if I can't control it." The ground shocked again, and a chunk of ceiling fell directly above Lizzy. I quickly pushed her away and the piece fell on My Shoulder. I tried to get up as fast as I can and keep my hand on my shoulder. "Why did you do that," Lizzy asked looking at my shoulder. It was bleeding. She took a tissue from a pocket of her dress and gave it to me. I held the tissue on it. "I don't know, reflex, or something," I said casually. Meanwhile, Zed took off his Z-band and lifted the slab. I lifted the moonstone with my other hand and we got it on the other side of the wall. Then the slab fell, and we didn't see Zed anywhere. Addison ran towards the Slab. "Zed !?" Everyone looked from a distance where Zed could be. Until we heard a sound and saw a light come out of the dust. Zed walked up with all the dust on his suit. "Are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm me." "We crushed, and we nailed, and we so rock! Yes!" Wynter shouted with enthusiasm. She looked at Willa. "Too much?" she looked like a little puppy dog. "Perfect." She said.

"Are you okay? That was ferry brave what you did for Lizzy." Wendy said. "Oh yeah, I'm fine. When we were little we crawled under the wall to play with each other. She is just like a little sister to me." I said to make it clear that she was not a competition. "Were getting our first zombie on the prawn wall of fame." I heard Eliza say. Everyone started Howling and I joined in. Even a big zombie dude joined us. He is quite good. "That sounded perfect," Wyatt said Meanwhile I started breathing heavier and realized that we are all in a small space. And I walk back upstairs as fast as I can...

The end is getting closer. I hope you like this book. Until the next chapter! <3

Sorry for the late post😅

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