First Ask

391 4 17

Lora: *poking a big, orange egg*

Specs: What are you doing?!

Layla: Remember, when the S4 got dared to watch that horror movie?

Specs: Yes!

Layla: Well, Army —


Lora: — laid an egg!

Specs: He did what?!

Lora: Army is a daddy!

Army: I hate you all! - _ -

Layla: Time to continue!

                   Lora: Oh! This is our first ask!

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Lora: Oh! This is our first ask!

Rider: Our least favorite?

Layla: Vintage! He's a big jerk!

Lora: Agreed!

Goggles: My least fav? I don't know............!

Rider: That idiot likes everyone!

Goggles: In that case, everyone except for Rider!

Rider: ///T//M//T///

Layla: Ship~❣️

Headphones: Well, I don't hate him, but I guess it would be Gloves.............!

Specs: Gloves! He's annoying!

Bobbles: I like everyone equally!

Rider: Layla!

Layla: WHAT?!

Rider: Because you're shipping me with Goggles!

Lora: Wait a sec! Me and Layla don't count, cause we're not in the official manga! 

Rider: Oh! Uh...... Give me some time to think........!

Layla: *gives him a piece of paper*

         |        5 minutes!         |

Rider: Thank you!

Gloves: Uh...... I dunno! Inkfall?

Lora: Yup! That guy is annoying!

Emperor: I'd say it's Rider!

Layla: Because he was the first one to make you step in enemy's ink?

Emperor: Yes!

Prince: Uh...... Does Commander Tartar count?

Goggles: Who?

Lora: Well, he was in the manga, so I suppose yes!

Army: Emperor.

Aloha: Yeah! Emperor!

Mask: Aloha and Emperor.

Aloha: ¡-¡

Skull: Emperor and Vintage.

Emperor: You're just still angry cause I defeated you!

Hachi: I like all of you equally!

Nana: Me too!

Layla: Even Vintage?!

Lora: And Tartar?!?!

Hachi: Who?

Nana: Okay, well in that case.........Tartar!

Goggles and Hachi: Who?

Specs: That crazy guy from the subway that tried to kill us and wanted to destroy Inkopolis with his giant canon, Idiots!!!

Goggles: Oooooh! The phone!

Layla: Now that I think about it again, yeah, Tartar is even worse than Vintage!

Lora: Agreed! Tartar is the worst!
Hachi: Are phone calls so expensive?

Specs: It's not the price, Idiot!

Layla: Okay! Rider? You're the only one left!

Rider: Commander Tartar!

Lora: Because he made you fight against Goggles~? 😏

Rider: NO! Because he Brainwashed me in the first place! *slightly blushing*
Layla: 🧐

Lora: AreYouSureAboutThat?

Rider: STOP IT !!!

Layla: This book is slowly, but surely getting better!

Lora: Yeah! If it continues like this, we'll soon be able to put more than one dare into one chapter!

Goggles and Hachi: YAY! 0w0

Bobble: *poking the egg* What do you think, will it be a boy or a girl?

Aloha: Who knows?

Army: Stop that!

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