Chapter 14

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June 16, 11:14 AM

"You ready?" Toby asks. He is wearing a grey hoodie and matching sweatpants. He discarded his goggles and mask previously, and put two band-aids over his gash. I nod and we climb down the ladder.

Walking to the police station takes about twenty minutes. Neither of us say a word while walking there.

We approach the front doors, but Toby stops me before we enter. "Are you sure you're ready?" Toby asks again.

"Y-yeah... I think so..."

Toby nods. "Remember, I'm here for you," he says, rubbing my back. He drops his hand from my back and we walk inside.

I shuffle over to the front desk with Toby behind me. "Excuse me, Ma'am?" The blonde woman looks up from her book. Her nametag says 'Margaret'. "My name is (Y/N) (L/N)..." Her eyes go wide.

"(Y/N)?! Who is that behind you?" I glance up at Toby.

"He's... My close friend. He gave me shelter after..." I stop, and her eyes soften.

"Come with me. I'm going to bring you to the sheriff." I nod, and she leads us to a door labeled 'SHERIFF'. Margaret knocks on the door three times.

"Come in," a muffled voice says from the other side of the door. Margaret opens the door and leads us inside. The room is small, with only a desk and two chairs. Behind the desk is a middle-aged man with graying hair.

"Mr. Addams? This is (Y/N) (L/N) from the missing persons report," Margaret explains.

The sheriff, Mr. Addams, looks at me, then at Toby. "Who's the boy?"

"He's a good friend," I blurt out. Mr. Addams looks back at me and raises an eyebrow.

"A good friend? What's his name?" Mr. Addams asks. I almost say it, but feel a hand on my shoulder.

"My name is Henry Smith," Toby says. I give him a weird look, but he just nods. Mr. Addams types something in on his computer and nods his head.

"You two may be seated. Margaret you may leave." Margaret nods and leaves the room, shutting the door on her way out. "So, Henry, how did you meet (Y/N)?" Mr. Addams asks.

"We met at a coffee shop. She was sitting alone and I asked if I could join her," Toby says without missing a beat.

Mr. Addams nods. "How long have you known her?"

"Over two years." I am shocked at how smoothly Toby is lying.

"Why was she with you after her mother went to prison?"

"I wanted to give her emotional support."

"Okay. Would you like to speak with your father, (Y/N)? He's been worried sick about you." Mr. Addams asks. I nod in response. "I'll call him in. He'll be glad you came back."

"Wait... Mr. Addams?"

"Yes, dear?"

"My dad doesn't know me... He left before I was born... Why would he be worried?"

"He heard about the incident and wanted to help you. When he found out we didn't know where you were, he went crazy."

"O-oh... Okay... You can call him now..."

"You two go to the entrance for now, okay?"

"Okay." Toby and I walk out of the room and down the hall towards the entrance.

"Henry?" I ask in confusion.



"I'll tell you later," Toby says. I nod and we make it to the entrance room. Margaret notices us and gestures to a bench by the doors. We sit and wait for my father to arrive.

· · ·

Minute 23... One, two, three, four, five, six, seven...

Fifty one, fifty two, fifty three, fifty four, fifty five, fifty si-


I look up towards the door. A (H/C) haired man with (S/C) skin is standing there. He is overdressed, wearing a black and white suit and tie. His (E/C) eyes dart around the room until they land on (Y/N).

"(Y-Y/N)?" He asks hesitantly. Her head snaps up, and her eyes go wide. "I-it's me..." He says, walking towards her. That's when he notices me. "Who is he?" He asks, his voice suddenly harsh.

(Y/N) glances towards me. "That's To- err Henry," she says. "He's a great friend of mine."

(Y/N)'s dad glares at me. I stand up and stick out my hand. "Hello, sir. Pleasure to meet you. Might I get your name?" I ask politely.

(Y/N)'s dad takes my hand and says, "(Dad/Name). Nice to meet you, Henry. (Y/N)? Will you come with me?"

"Yeah sure (D/N)- wait, what should I call you?"

"I am your father. You will call me father." (Y/N) frowns.

"Okay, father, I'll come with you." (Y/N) stands up and starts to walk again. I almost sit down, but feel a tug on my sleeve. "Henry is coming too."

"No, (Y/N). He can stay here."

"No. He's coming with us."

"(Y/N)..." (D/N) warned.

"Either Henry is coming, or neither of us are coming," (Y/N) says, now standing beside me.

Instead of saying anything, (D/N) grabs (Y/N) by the wrist and starts dragging her. I grab (D/N)'s wrist so hard that he lets go of (Y/N).

"What the hell?!" (D/N) shouts. His gaze lands on me, rage prominent in his eyes. "Listen here, boy... You do NOT touch me like that!" (D/N) storms up to me, but I hold my ground. Out of the corner of my eye, I see (Y/N) going to Margaret.

I stare into his rage-filled eyes and say, "Don't grab (Y/N), and I won't grab you. Simple." My voice is monotone, and this seems to annoy the angered man.

"I can grab her if I want! Hell! I can beat her!"

"Not when I'm around."

"What are you gonna do, boy?" He asks. "When I take custody, she will live in my house, under my rules! You won't be able to come anywhere near her!"

"Who said you were taking custody?" I ask him in the same monotone voice.

This angers the man even more. "Listen here, you little shit! You will not go near my daughter ever again!" As he says that, he grabs a chunk of my hair and shoves me onto the concrete floor. There is no pain, but I feel blood pooling underneath my head.

"Toby, no!" (Y/N) screams.

My vision is fading in and out, but I manage to whisper, "Take me back to the forest..." I black out.

· · ·

I set Toby in the forest after struggling to carry him all the way to the nearest entrance. Tears stream down my face as I kneel next to him.

Suddenly something appears across from me. Two black sticks. No... Legs... Two legs stand on the other side of Toby. I look up. It is that creature from before. Slenderman...

I will take care of Tobias. Go back to the tree house. Go forward and right. He will be back tomorrow morning.

With that, he picks up Toby and teleports away. I follow Slenderman's instructions, and soon reach the tree house.

I hope he's okay...
He said he'd be back tomorrow morning.
I hope he's right, Aaren.
Well if you do, I guess I do too. But I don't like that we can't talk around him...
I don't like it either.
I'm sorry...

Stutters (Ticci Toby × Reader) !COMPLETED!Where stories live. Discover now