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"Toby, no!" (Y/N) screams as she rushes over to the nearly unconscious boy.

"Take me back to the forest..." He whispers before he blacks out.

"(Y/N) step away from the body," Mr. Addams says.

"N-no... He wants to go to the forest..." She says.

"Nonsense. (Y/N) step away from the body." (Y/N) looks over at Mr. Addams, who is putting (D/N) in handcuffs.

(Y/N) looks back at Toby. "No. I'm taking him back to the forest like he wants."

"(Y/N) I'm warning you..."

"No. I'm taking him to the forest."

"For Christ's sake, (Y/N)! You are not taking him to the woods! There will be no chance of him living!"

"He's already dead!" (Y/N) screams. Tears stream down her face as she struggles to pick up Toby's dead body.

Let me help you... She can't hear me. I put some of my strength in her arms so she can lift him, and in her legs so she can run. She lifts Toby up fully now, and starts walking out of the door.

"Get back here, (Y/N)!" Mr. Addams shouts. She doesn't spare the police station a second glance, and runs to the nearest forest.

Stutters (Ticci Toby × Reader) !COMPLETED!Where stories live. Discover now