Former Hero Meets An Agency

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In an abandoned warehouse in the outskirts of some town a door opens and a guy with ruby red eyes, brown hair, and a slightly average yet partially bulky build flies out the door clinging on to several flyers before falling down back down to the ground on his butt. (Jeremiah Ellison, Series: The Superheroes, Author: Pokemiah) The door slams shut. He gets up and dusts himself off. As he goes to retrieve the flyers on the ground he mumbles to himself grouchily, "Dang Alucard, sending me here to advertise. Was kicking me in the rear really necessary? I missed the old days when I had that solid gold castle. Oh well, next time I'll read the fine print when I apply for a job." He finished picking up the flyers and started heading to town. While he heads to town, he spots a giant monster attacking that town while also being attacked by two floating guys, one seems to be aiming an arrow at that big monster and the other seems to be glowing up a Random-Ass-Sword Sword.

"HEY FUCKER! TAKE SOME SHIT!" the one with the bow and arrow says, firing the arrow at the heart of the monster.

"Heh! Why not have a side of light?!" the other one said while slicing the monster in half, and exploding the ever living fuck out of it, blood getting on everything in sight, including Jeremiah.

Jeremiah complains, "Seriously!? Not only did I miss it, I'm now covered in freakin' blood. Oh well." He turns into air real quick and swirls around making a contained high gust wind before remartilizing. He continues walking and sees a wall on a building also covered in blood. "How am I supposed to hang these up now?" He asks right as all the blood that he saw just magically disappears. "Convenient." He gets out some tape from his pocket and starts hanging up a flyer on the wall that says, "Omniverse Pub: Come on down and have a drink or 30." He continues walking, hanging up flyers all over town until he eventually finishes putting up the last one. As he puts all the flyers on walls around town, he noticed a lot of people talking about the fight that just occurred, most saying how the Soular Protection Agency is amazing and what-not. "By the way, what is this Soular Protection Agency? Oh well, not any of my business. I wonder if there's a Pizza Hut nearby?" wonders Jeremiah before going off in search of a Pizza Hut. As he searches for a Pizza Hut, he notices a building with a Huge-Ass-Random Sign Sign saying "Soular Protection Agency! Hiring Now".

Jeremiah looks at his wallet noticing how little there is in there and says, "I don't really like this job anyway." He walks into the building. The inside of it looks like a highly tech-heavy lab, but also has a comforting kind of feel to it....somehow. With two visible people, one covered in blood, the other staring at a Huge-Ass-Random-Computer Computer. While hearing what sounds like a shower happening in the back.

"Ok, so it looks like that we have no more monsters that are located in the city," the one at the computer says, "Well if there is no others, then I guess I have nothing better to do right now then, so I'm going to go change in the back, alright Ra?" the blood-covered one says, who has a greenish-blue trench coat, grayish-blue shirt, dark gray pants and black boots while wearing shades, now hovering above his eyes. (Lyric Hunton, Series: A Megalo Stream, Author: FutureVerse)

"Mhm. Go right the hell ahead then." Ra says, who's wearing the same greenish-blue trench coat as Lyric, has an eye patch covering his right eye, wearing a golden necklace saying "I'm da Boss!" at the bottom of it, also wearing a gray shirt and a very dark shade of gray pants, while having a nice trim of a beard and sideburns. (Series: Demonic Fellow/Identity Crisis, Author: FutureVerse), as the other one just goes off to go change.

Jeremiah is starstruck at the place as he mumbles softly, "Just like home." He walks up to Ra and greets, "Hello there. I saw you were hiring and was wondering if you had any positions for a hero or an agent or something?"

A Former Superhero by Pokemiah and FutureVerseWhere stories live. Discover now